*insert interesting title*

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It was a year ago that Luke and Michael had adopted their little girl, Maisie Clifford Hemmings. Luke was going to be out most of the night with Calum, they were working on a new song and were almost finished so they wanted try to get it done tonight. Usually Michael didn't mind, but this was the first time it had happened since they adopted Maisie. Michael was stressing about being left alone with her, he loved her more than anything but he was worried. Even before they adopted her he would freak out that he wouldn't be a good dad, since then though Luke had been there every step of the way and even though it was only one night Michael was freaking out incase he messed up.

"It's okay Mikey, you'll be fine. I'm only gonna be gone until Calum and I write this song. I won't be too late." Luke reassured him, it didn't help though Michael was still anxious.

"I know it's just the first time you've not been here and I'm worried." Michael replied, sighing. Luke pulled him in for a hug attempting to comfort him.

"I know but there's nothing to worry about your a great dad to her." Luke smiled before kissing Michael, when they pulled away Maisie ran out into the hall where the two boys were standing at the door.

"Daddy!" The brunette girl wearing her pikachu onesie, ran excitedly over to Michael, giggling uncontrollably throwing her arms out for him to catch her. He picked her up as she got closer, spinning her around while she laughed and then holding her at his side. "where is dad going?" She asked.

"Dads just going out for a while with Uncle Cal." Michael smiled.

"Oh, can I come?" She asked turning her head to look at Luke, he smiled and laughed at his daughter.

"No because you get to stay here with daddy!" Luke exclaimed kissing the girl on her forehead. "I'll see you soon, don't worry Mikey." Luke said before kissing Michael again then walking out of the door and closing it behind him.

"Why couldn't I go?" Maisie asked, her bottom lip petted. She looked as if she was about to cry.

"Because dads gonna be having a boring time with uncle Calum doing boring stuff and you and I are gonna have a fun time here." Michael smiled at the girl trying to sound as excited as he possibly could. Her petted lip started to turn into a mischievous smile. She squirmed around to be put down so Michael placed the little girl back on the floor and she ran off upstairs.

"Maisie where are you going?" He shouted, running upstairs after the her. He ran into her room looking around for her but she wasn't there, he searched around upstairs for her, panicking incase he couldn't find her. She couldn't have gone far though she had only ran upstairs, still though Michael couldn't help but freak out. He checked all of the rooms upstairs before going into the room he shared with Luke. Maisie was sitting on the bed playing around with the controller for Michael's PlayStation.

"Will you teach me how to play it?" She asked, Michael thought for a minute, he didn't think teaching a 2 year old to play grand theft auto was a brilliant idea and Luke would probably kill him. He walked over to the drawer at his side of the bed and pulled out a Nintendo DS.

"How about we play this instead?" Michael suggested holding it up to show the girl. Her face lit up and she completely discarded the PlayStation controller, seeming to forget it was even there. Michael switched on the DS and put the game which was inside it, Pokemon, on for Maisie. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she started squealing about Pikachu. Michael laughed at how cute it was that she got this excited.

Luke was sitting in the studio with Calum, trying to get the song that they had been writing finished. He couldn't stop thinking about Michael and Maisie though, he was sure they'd be fine but he felt bad leaving Michael after how nervous he was.

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