General Introduction!

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Heyo, our loves!

So if you're here because of Never Ever (Charlotte's Story), then you probably know this is not a stand-alone book, rather, it's a simple book we created to post the Special Material of our very first story on Wattpad: Never Ever!

The special chapter in celebration of NEC'S' one year anniversary will be out on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, so we thought we'll get you excited from now!

Here, a general short, and fast peek from the upcoming special chapter:

Rickard eyed her chestnut hair bounce in well-defined curls, as she looked up towards him.

Her tanned skin did nothing but emphasize her other outstanding features.

A cherry-like, well-placed nose, full lips with an artistic shape, and slightly chubby cheeks.

And finally, the cold man's eyes snapped to the tanned-woman's eyes, and the eyes clashed.

She had huge orbs, with an intelligent and sparkling green that held a remarkable hint of defiance and rebellion.

It did not go unnoticed by him that she was hardly wearing any type of make-up.

Ellington moved his jaw slowly, arranging his words and thoughts calmly, as he prepared to speak.

Sombody excited here?

It's gonna be a long, long chapter, we promise!

Comment and vote if you're excited!

The title of the special chapter will be: Welcome to the Squad, Dowell!

See you on Tuesday, in this book ─even closer, on Sunday in the normal Nec's!


Charlotte's Story Special Material Where stories live. Discover now