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(Natalie's P.O.V) (2 months later, Halloween)

"Aww, they look so cute!"

I croon. Narissa has Alex and Rose dressed up in little scary outfits. Alex is a vampire, Rose is an evil fairy. I'm Catwoman and Narissa is Evil Queen. We're just having a mini Halloween party seeing as its the babies first Halloween. Narissa has the house decked up with decorations and it looks fantastic. Rose is laughing at Alex who is being danced around by Narissa. But suddenly, I remember that I've left my high heels at mine and Andy's house. Strangely, the front door opens by itself and Narissa grins.

"Oooooo, its Halloween alright!"

I smile and tell her that I won't be long. It's quite windy and Im assuming that the wind blew the door open. I start my car and drive to my house. Every house has pumpkins outside of it and looks festive...except mine and Andy's. I park in the drive and run to the front door. I unlock it and flip the light switch. And I flip it again...and AGAIN. Why isn't it fucking working! I haven't used them in ages! I blindly feel my way into the living room and flip the switch. What the hell is going on?! I sigh out loud and stop. There's no point in me going upstairs to heck the lights.


I scream at the top of my lungs as a hand touches my shoulder.


Another shout rings out.

"Whoever the fuck you are, you better fix these lights right now!"

I shout. I hear something being screwed in and the light comes on. I take a deep breath and open my eyes.

"Oh my god, Ryan!"

I fall into his arms and he crushes me. He kisses my head and rubs my back.

"Pretty good trick, huh?"

Another voice laughs. I pick my head up from Ryan's chest and run to Andy, who hugs me tightly. I step back and see that Ryan's a vampire and Andy's Captain Jack Sparrow.

"No way! Your staying?!"

I ask, excitedly. Ryan and Andy's smiles fade slightly.

"Until tomorrow afternoon..."

Andy says quickly. I sigh and stroke Ryan's hair. He's powdered his face white and he's got a cape on. He kisses me and whispers,


I giggle and run to get my heels. I slip them on and run down the stairs. I let Andy drive the car back to Narissa and Adams. Ryan sits in the back and I sit on his knee.

"Hey, I don't want any bouncing or stuff going on in the back. Got it?"

Andy says. I slap his arm and Ryan smirks. Ryan bounces me on his knee anyway and he squeezes my ass secretly. I smile at him and he winks. Oh, it's so good to look into those bright green eyes again. Andy pulls into the drive and we barge into the house happily. We see Narissa in Adams arms and Joel sees me and collapses me into a hug.

"Hiya, Joel!"

I greet, laughing. He kisses my cheek and Adam hugs me. Adam is the Joker and Joel is Edward Scissorhands.

"Oh my god! Joel, I love Tim Burton!"

I squeal. Ryan chuckles, already knowing this and rushes upstairs to hug Alex. Narissa hugs Andy and he kisses her cheek.

"We've missed you so much."

Adam says to us. We smile. Suddenly, there's running on the stairs.

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