First night of the honeymoon...

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(Natalie's P.O.V)


I scream. We've just arrived and Ryan's showed me a sign saying 'Welcome to the Caribbean'. I stop and leap at Ryan. He hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead. I get off him and smile lovingly at him. He does the same and we just stand in the middle of the airport kissing. We grab our cases and drag them through to the exit. We get out and I see that it really is a tropical place. Ryan takes my hand and leads me down one of three paths. It has spotlights shining on the paved ground, making our cases bump along. I laugh as Ryan trips up but is saved. He blushes but I hardly notice as we come out to see 2 large hotels. We go into the second one and Ryan leaves me with the cases near the sofas whilst he goes to check in. I look around...this is a very red place! Red walls, red sofas, red tables...the occasional white is splashed somewhere, making the building look good. Ryan comes back and says,

"Room 46, baby!"

I nod and we go up in the lift. As soon as the doors close, me and Ryan are all over each other. Hands everywhere, kisses on necks, you name it. We have to fly apart once we reach our floor. We get out and Ryan leaves me to drag his case whilst he goes and finds the room. 1 minute goes by and,

"I found it!"

Ryan exclaims. I see him unlock the door and go in. I roll my eyes but just as I'm about to reach the door, Ryan comes back and takes the cases in the room. I smile and suddenly, I'm being picked up bridal style.

"Ryan, what are you doing?"

I giggle. Ryan smirks.

"I'm going by the tradition! I want to carry my new wife into our honeymoon suite..."

He answers. I look at him cutely and he smiles. My mouth drops as I see the suite. I jump down and rush into every single room...until I stop in the bedroom...crisp sheets on the bed, strewn with rose petals. I grin at Ryan and he smirks, putting all our stuff away. I take off my shoes and put them near the door. As I walk back into the bedroom, I'm grabbed by the waist strongly. Ryan's lips crush against mine and I put my hands on his shoulders whilst HIS hands run through my hair, which is now down.

"Your hair is so gorgeous..."

Ryan mumbles. I giggle and nod. He laughs.

"Erm...yours too!"

I add, giggling. Ryan scoffs and says,

"Leave the complimenting to me, yeah?"

I nod and Ryan disappears into the bathroom. I sigh happily and hang my cardigan on the cat hooks. There's nothing to do. I've just become Mrs Fletcher, for christ's sake! I'm hardly gonna want to play Monopoly! I look at the bed...with a craving. This is mad...I've never wanted Ryan so much before. Or at least I thought I couldn't want him more than I used to. I sit on the bed daintily, waiting for my husband. I hear the toilet flush and soon, Ryan walks out. He takes his leather jacket off and hangs it up with my cardigan and enters the room again. But he stops in the doorway. His eyes linger over my body. I smirk and wink at him. Ryan laughs and suddenly, were on the bed. Already tangled up.

(Ryan's P.O.V)

I wake up to my new beautiful wife. Her hair is spread out on the pillows. Last night was our bliss. No restrictions...better than ever before...and they're gonna keep getting better. I notice that Nat's stolen all the covers. I'll let her off though, it was quite cold last night as I left the window open for most of the night. I prop myself up on my elbows and scan the room. Mine and Nat's clothes are everywhere...Nat's bra is hanging down from the bloody floor lamp! I smirk and slip some new boxers on under the covers. I leave Nat sprawled under the covers and go outside onto the balcony. It's scorching sun. I place the laptop and my phone on the table and switch on Skype. The boys wanted me to come on. I accept a call coming from Joel and smile as all 3 boys come on the screen.

"Alright, Ryan!"

They greet loudly. I wave and say,

"Yeah. You?"

The boys nod.

"Yeah, were fine. Enough about us, mate, what about you?! Was last night good?"

Joel says. He winks at me and waggles his eyebrows. I chuckle and say,

"Shut up, dude. But was fucking amazing."

Everyone laughs and cheers. Even Andy, considering that he's Nat's brother the I'd thought that he'd be a bit pissed. But he isn't.

"Our parents went home yesterday, mate. They told me to tell you to have a great time and send them some pictures after."

I nod and thank him. Adam looks confused.

"Where's Nat?"

He asks. I lift up the laptop and show them through the window.

"Aww, she's still asleep. Bless her...husband Ryan tired her out too much..."

Andy and Joel joke. They high five each other as everyone laughs. I roll my eyes but can't help but smile. I think Joel and Adam slept at Andy's last night because Adam hasn't got hold of Alex or Rose. We've agreed that me and Nat get mine and Joel's house because its easier if Joel goes to live with Andy. They seem all up for it. When Joel mentioned it, Andy got real excited! So they're supposed to be moving everything around so that when me and Nat move in (or NAT moves in) then it will be like a newly bought house. My room was the biggest so me and Nat are having that room. Suddenly, the patio door opens behind me. I hear the boys wolf whistling. I look and see Nat wearing an aqua blue bra and knickers with a fur blanket around her shoulders. She waves at the laptop and kisses me softly. I smile.

"So, how you feeling, babe?"

Adam asks. Nat answers with,


Adam, Joel and Andy nod and smile brightly. When Andy asks me to turn the laptop round so that they can see the view, after I do it I pull Nat onto my lap and we share a long passionate kiss. We smile against each other's lips, both remembering the events of last night. Nat ruffles my hair and sits down on the other chair next to me. I turn the laptop round again and ask,

"Joel, take a picture of me and Nat kissing in front of the sun, will ya?"

Joel nods and gets his phone out. We go stand by the railing and wait for Joel to shout out. When he does, I refuse to pull away so Nat slaps my arm playfully. I laugh and say,

"Cheers, Joel. I'll get it off you when were back."

Joel nods.

"Guys, how long did it take you to clean up last night?"

Nat asks. The boys look at each other guiltily.

"We didn't exactly do all of it..."

I laugh and see Nat smirk.

"Well, anyway, we'll let you go. Enjoy your honeymoon, getting 'jiggy' Ryan calls it. Bye, guys!"

Andy and the boys say. We say bye and wave. Ryan shuts the laptop down and pulls me onto his lap.

"Morning, Mrs Fletcher. Want some coffee?"

I ask, after kissing her. She nods and says,

"Yes, please. You know how I like it!"

I laugh and go back into the suite to make our coffees. I get it done fairly quickly and take them through to the balcony. I place Nat's on the table for her and sit down, already drinking mine. We spend most of the morning out on the balcony, talking and laughing. Nat suggests that we go down to the beach.

"Yeah, go on then."

I go in to get my shorts on and I see Nat slip into the bathroom. I feel great...greater than Iv ever felt ever since I met Nat. I put some wax in my hair and ruffle it up so it quiffs up. Nat loves my hair. She always tries to take over when I do my hair. Grabbing my phone and money, I go sit on the bed. Nat comes out wearing shorts and bandeau top. I smile and hug her. She slips her sunglasses on and puts her phone in her pocket. I take her hand and we make our way to the beach, happily swinging our arms.

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