I First Saw You

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A really short one-shot for mai homies! Enjoy.

From: FandomQueenMC


Katelyn POV

I popped in my earbuds as I walked down MyStreet, listening to Panic! At the Disco.

Humming along to the alluring tune, I almost didn't register Dante's shouts from the other side of the sidewalk.

"Katelyn! Katelyn!!! KATELYN!!!!!"

I sighed, exasperated and took out my earbuds.

"What is is Dante?" I asked, jogging across the street.

"Have you met the new neighbor, Travis?" He inquired.

"Okay, first, WE HAVE A NEW NEIGHBOR? Second, no." I replied.

"Oh, well, if you see me, tell him to get over here! He left for a 'look around' but he still hasn't returned."

"M'Kay. Bye Dante." I mumbled, putting in my earbuds and turning up the volume, drowing out Dante's other words.

I strolled off toward the park, singing the song under my breath.

Walking past the park, I watched the kids running around the playground, laughing and goofing off.

I smiled, remembering the times I'd spent as a little kid, climbing the the top of the monkey bars, and doing dangerous things that would've made a parent faint.

I was so engrossed in the scene in front of me, I barely heard the shouts of several bikers. (Motorcycle bikes)


On a freaking sidewalk.

Man, our neighborhood is messed up.

It was too late for me to move. Too late for me to run.

The bikes hurtled toward me at top speed, the bikers trying desperately to stop the speed demon but they wouldn't make it.

I closed my eyes, preparing for extreme pain when firm arms dragged me out of the way.

I was swept aside onto the grass, safe on my knees.

Coughing from all the motorcycle dust, I opened my eyes and a boy no bigger than me knelt down.

He had silvery-white hair and unusually bright green eyes that burned with intensity.

"Are you okay?!" He asked, worry lacing his voice.

"F..fine." I stuttered, before regaining my voice. "Ugh, bikers these days."

The boy raised a silver eyebrow. "Yeah. I noticed. This neighborhood is...rough."

I laughed. "Well, that's an understatement."

Reaching out his hand, I grasped it and I could feel my cheeks burning red.

"Thanks for saving me back there." I told him.

"Hey, no problem. Anyone would've done it."

"My names Katelyn, what's yours?" I asked. "Your new aren't you?"

"Yup, I moved in just recently. Names Travis."

Wait. Wasn't the guy Dante was looking for named Travis???

"I think Dante was looking for you." I noted.

His eyes widened. "Oh crap! I totally lost track of time! Well, bye Katie!" he snickered before dashing off down the street to Dante's house.

Chuckling, I turned on my phone and scrolled through my playlists, the new boys fiery gaze burning into my mind.

By: FandomQueenMC


This is my first one-shot. Hope you liked it!


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