MCD One-shot Travlyn

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Another one-shot homies!

From: FandomQueenMC

Note that is doesn't follow the MCD plotline. It is about Katelyn encountering Travis in the woods.


Katelyn POV

I couldn't stand it anymore. I HAD to get away from there. My home. My family. My village. Everything. It brought back to many painful memories of him.


"Jeoffrey! Hurry, they're catching up!" I screamed.

Jeroffrey collapsed in a pool on his own blood.

"K...Katenlyn." He croaked. "I...I w...won't be able to...m...make it." He whispered.

"NO! I refuse to belive you're just going to give up right here! Pammy can heal you once we-"

"No." He replied, voice steady and even. "I've had my fight. I've lived to my fullest. Tell Abby. Tell her that her daddy loves her. Tell her to be strong. Tell her-" He coughed, his head lulling, and his body went limp.

I stared in shock, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"NO! JEOFFREY PLEASE! I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO!" I sobbed, cradeling the head of my best friends in my arms.

"There's a blood trail here! They must've headed this direction!" A deep male voice shouted.

Crying, I kissed Jeoffrey's cold forehead and ran, weeping for the loss of a good friend.

Flashback ends

Tears dripped down my face as I turned away from my home, and plunged into the unknown.

*A Few Hours Later*

My legs were as stiff as stone as I dragged myself onward. I'd been walking for hours but to no avail.

The barren land around me held no signs of civilization or life.

I had to keep going.

The sun flared brightly and the heat was making me drowsy.

Stay awake. I told myself.

I took one look at the desert in front of me, then collapsed.

The last thing I heard was the voice of a boy saying. "Come on. Let's get you someplace safe." Before I drifted into darkness.


I woke up, gasping on a soft bed. Cold air brushed my cheeks as I got up groggily.

Where was I?

"Hey. Glad to see you're awake."

I spun around, unsheathing my claws and blindly pinning someone to the wall.

Holding my knife-sharp claws to the person's throat, I growled.

"Slow down. You don't wanna waste your energy."

I looked up into emerald green eyes that were flaring with amusement.

"Who are you?" I snarled.

"My apologizes. I'm Travis. I'm assuming you're Katelyn?" He replied stedily, looking me right in the eyes.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"You talk in your sleep." He snorted. Silverly hair brushed over his other eye giving him the 'emo' look.

"Why did you bring me here?" I demanded.

"Well, I couldn't exactly leave you in the desert out for the wolves, could I?" He questioned.

"That would've been fine." I snapped, my voice shaking. At least I would be with Jeoffrey.

"Who's Jeoffrey?" He asked.

I cursed myself for saying that outloud. "He's...nobody." I muttered.

"Well, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me go." He said.

"What if I don't?" I challenged.

For a moment, his eyes flashed violet purple. His silver hair darkened into a grayish tint and tiny black horns sprouted from the sides of his head. His peach coloured skin dulled into a deep gray.

"Then it won't be good for you're condition."

I quickly released him and he rubbed his neck where my claws had nearly decapitated him.

"So, where am I, exactly?" I questioned.

"Up in the mountains somewhere. Maybe 160 miles away from O'Khasis." He said, cautiously as though the subject was touchy.

"What was that?" I asked.

"What was what?" he replied with equal confusion.

"Those horns and purple eyes thing."

He flinched at the 'horns'. "Well, my family is kinda...odd. I inherited the powers from my dad..."

"Who was...?"

"Promise me you won't freak out." He told me solemly.

"Uhh...okay? I promise."

He took a deep dreath. "Do you know the story of the Demon Warlock?"

"Yes. But what does this have to do with your heritage?"

"The Demon Warlock...he could not be stopped. Many talented magicians, wizards and sorcerers tried but failed to stop him. Until, along came my mother. She somewhat managed to tame the Demon Warlock and seal him away. However along her misadventures with the Demon, she got pregnant with a child. That child was me."

I stood there a whole minute processing what Travis has said.

"So you're saying...You're the Demon Warlock's SON?"


We settled in uncomfortable silence before Travis asked. "Soooo. You want anything to drink?"

"Water." I answered immediently, my parched throat screaming.

He shrugged and walked off to another doorway.

I layed back in the bed, thinking about what had just occured to me.

When Travis came back, I was snuggled up in the blankets.

"How are you feeling?"

"Does I-have-a-killer-headache count?"

He laughed. "Maybe."

Our eyes met.

Blue to green.

And sparks flew.

I knew from that moment on, we would be one.

Never apart.

Forever interwined in our hearts.


Sorry if that was kinda cheesy. -_-

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