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Dear Stuart,

You'll probably think this letter is really funny. I just wanted to say you were my first crush, and you might not think that's super crazy now that you're gorgeously handsome, and girls probably fall for you all the time, but what might shock you is when I liked you.

Back when we were young and we ran around the playground like maniacs, that's when I liked you. Back when I used to help search for your glasses on the soccer field. Now you where contacts and they bring out your beautiful eyes, but I kind of miss you in your "dorky" glasses.

Back when we were young and restless we'd talk everyday. Maybe about something stupid like our favorite color or a new pair of shoes. You were so nice back than I couldn't help but fall for your charming second grade self. Now you have too many friends to talk to, why waste your breath for someone like me.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you, but it's more than just missing you. It's missing the old you, the person you used to be. With your new looks came a new personality. I miss the friend you used to be. I miss how nice you used to be. All in all I miss everything you used to be.

But I'll always think your special, and I'll always remember the dorky dark haired boy in the glasses as my favorite part of my childhood.

Yours Always,

Rosie <3

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