Questions to Answer and Answers to Question.

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I tried writing an Original story, or a fanfiction. But knowing my sarcastic self, it always ends up as nonsense. So, I thought of writing a book that can include my sarcasm. Thus this. (though you still might not understand it. It's hard determining sarcasm in a written sentence/phrase, but still.)

About: Read the summary

Writing style: In this book, I will write like how I usually talk: A person who will ruin your serious and heartfelt speech with an annoying side comment or as we call it my country; pambabara. (that didn't answer the question.)

- I will mostly write in script form because it's easier that way.

- I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors seen in any of the chapters. When I fangirl, I forget about grammar.


Everyone who is part of the cyclone is welcome here! (because if you're not you wouldn't understand anything in this book)

Thank you, that is all and don't forget to tip your waiters.

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