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1. A few days ago, @julzMCV announced in her Life updates book (the only book that she wrote thats in my library. Whoo! I'm a nice friend :D) that she is now Part of the Cyclone...because of me...and I regret nothing.

I don't usually hug people, but one night when I saw Juls' new chapter in her book about her being in the Scorpion fandom, I instantly messaged her in Facebook telling her to go outside. When she knocked on my door I ran up to her and hugged her. That was 10:30pm, I was very loud and everybody was sleeping. When I got back inside of my house I hear my Mom tell me to go to bed.

2. Because of my aunt I influenced @PercabethandRomione into Scorpion, and because I influenced her into Scorpion, she Influenced her Dad into it. (Does that make sense?)

2.5?. My cousin, Laurens dropped by our house one day and I --being the ass that i am-- made him watch the first episode hoping that he would like it. That failed. He doesn't dig it lmao. Though, he would sometimes watch with me and my other cousin, Bea, who I also successfully influenced.

Have you influenced anyone into your fandom?

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