How I got into Scorpion

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Me making a book that talks about Scorpion means I should include how I got into the fandom right?

Well, it was christmas eve, My aunt and I were watching Billy Eliot when she noticed that I was bored. We stopped watching and searched some stuff when she remembered a show that she watched. yep, you guessed right, iTS BILLY ELIOT 2-- NO. it was Scorpion. She made me watch the first episode, then the episode after that, and after that until we slept at 12am...I think. Thats when I got addicted to Scorpion.

(just gonna say that I started shipping Quintis at episode one.)

The next day we binge watched up 'till 3am...

Yep, thats all I remember. Now, how did you become a Scorpion fan?

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