Chapter 1 pg.1

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It feels like I'm locked in the darkness, a butterfly trapped in its cage not knowing how to fly. I'm that butterfly, I have dreams of spreading my wings in hopes that one day my dreams will come true. I had the same dream last night as I always do, the voices of father in my sleep, I woke up from screaming and crying like I usually do in the orphaning, 2 years after I was born my mother died of lung and brain cancer, I wish I could have seen her, I was with my dad when he died in a car accident. I dream of his voice every night just so I can hear him again. I walk up to the windowsill and place my left hand in front of the window, I look out the window to see happy children from the orphanage running around and screaming chasing each other, I wish I could be like them. I heard from Mrs. Chear that I was an outcast, I know what it means. People say I'm different, I just say I have a gift. I feel a light tickle on my hand near the window, I look down to see pretty butterflies that landed on my hand, I observed them until they flew away, I walked slowly towards the door that leads to the stairs, I live in the attic, I walk down 2 flights of stairs slowly to be carful not to miss a step on the rusted and rickety steps, I end up in the play room, it was empty like usual, there was no toys in hear except a canvass and paint, I grab a brush and start painting the canvas in black and white colors, since all I can see is black and white, I paint the butterflies from earlier in the exact same position they were before, the orphanage only pays for black and white paints for me and different shades of grey, I place my art supplies back into the container that says "Mel" on it, I take the painting and hang the canvass on the back wall were I put the rest of my paintings I do everyday, I walk out of the room and head into the bathroom, I grab a step stole and place it near the sink. I'm not tall enough to reach the sink without something to stand on. I stand on the stepping stole, turn on the sink and grab the bare soap. I start the feel the warmth of the water making a soapy substance from the bare soap when I run it under the water with my hands, I place the bare soap down and rinse my hands off before I turn the water off, I step off the stepping stole and put it back in the medicine closet. I walk into the kitchen and grab some bread to eat, they say there's no point in feeding an outcast. I grab a glass of water and walk up the two flights of stairs back to my room, I go back over to the window and eat my bread slowly and drinking my water a little at a time. I hear noises from behind that sound like little squeaks, I turn around to see a little white mouse searching for food, I crouch down and held out my hand with a piece of my bread, I believe that all living creatures should be treated fairly, the little mouse took tiny steps closer until observing my hand, the little mouse started to sniff the piece of bread and ate it, suddenly the door opened revealing Mrs. Vain, the only adult in the orphanage who took care of me, she's the one who got me the paint.
     "oh dear, why are you up hear little flower, you should go play with the other kids, I'm sure they'll let you?" Mrs. Vain always called me little flower because I pick flowers from the meadow sometimes to give to her, mainly dandelions.
     "Mrs. Vain, they won't like me. I'm sorry I can't, what if they hurt me?" I said in a sad tone.
     "Now, now get ready, people are coming to visit and chose another child, go get dressed." Mrs. Vain said in a sweetly tone, Mrs. Vain walked out the door and closed it behind her, I rush over to my dresser and grab my white dress I wear every time a visiter comes, I never get chosen, but today might be the day I will. I walk down the 2 flights of stairs to see a young couple by the door way, maybe around the age of 20, I walk over towards them and greet them.
     "Hi my name is Mel, nice to meet you." I said in a polite tone.
     "Hi there little one, my name is John and this is my wife Clair." The guy that looks in his 20s said crouching down to my level. John has short stubble on his chin with chiseled features, I can tell his hair and eyes are brown from how dark they are, he also has a warm and inviting smile. Clair has blonde hair that looks white from my perspective, she's tall and skinny with a lit up smile making both corners of my lips lift when I see her, her eyes are a pretty shade, but I can't tell what color.
     "What color are your eyes?" I ask Clair with a confused face.
     "Blue if you couldn't tell." She says sweetly.
     "Sorry, I see no other color then black, white and different shades of grey." I said looking down at my feet. I can tell there looking down at me in pity so I keep my eyes fixed on the floor, Mrs. Vain walks by, but Clair stops her,
     "We'll have Mel if you don't mind, she seems to fit right into the family." Clair said to Mrs. Vain, I look up with a surprised face and happiness in my eyes, Yay!
     "Do you want her paintings?" Mrs. Vain asks the couple.
     "Can we see them?" John asked.
     "Sure right this way." Mrs. Vain said leading us to the play room were my art is, we walk in and Clair and Johns faces look surprised.
     "Did she paint this?" John asks.
     "Yes, all of them." Mrs. Vain says unamused with a fake smile.
     "We'll take them all with us, there so beautiful!" Clair said making my face light up.
     "She is different from the rest, smarter, ever since she was in a car crash 2 years ago that killed her dad, her mom died of cancer when Mel was 2." Mrs. Vain said to them.
     "Don't worry we'll take care of her." John said smiling at me.

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