Chapter 37

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The next morning, I could hardly wait to get going. Cheshire couldn't come with us of course, but he promised to be waiting by the gate until Rab and I returned. I had to practically drag him out of bed though, the lazy ass. After the night we'd had, we were both pretty exhausted in the morning, something Rab took great pleasure in commenting on upon our arrival at the gate.

As I stepped up to the portal, I turned back to Cheshire. "Well, this is it," I said. "I'll see you when I get back."

He smiled and reached out to pull me into a kiss. "Be careful," he said. "If you don't come back, I'll be showing up to get you."

"Yeah, yeah," I said. I rolled my eyes, knowing Cheshire would never be able to do that, and kissed his cheek in return. 

Rab held the way for me as I looked down into the portal. This one was one Rab had created. It was less powerful that the one the queen had used, but it still looked dark inside the, and there was a gentle breeze blowing into it that made me shiver. "I'll never get used to this," I said. Then I jumped, the top of the hole quickly disappearing into darkness.

In the next second, I was opening my eyes and staring up at the blue sky. Rab leaned over me with a grin. He extended an arm to me. "Up we go," he said.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "Why do I always end up somewhere different every time I go through?" I asked. 

Rab shrugged. "It depends. The portal will drop you anywhere around your intended area at any present or past time. Most of the time the portal works in your favor, but it really just depends on what it wants," he explained.

"What's today, then?" I asked.

Rab studiously checked his watch. Then he pursed his lips in thought. "We had better get you home quick, Alice."

I followed him as we hurried on our way. "What day is it?" I asked again.

"Today," he said.

"The same day as Wonderland?" I asked.

Rab shook his head. "Wonderland doesn't have a yearly schedule. We have day and night, but no weeks or months. 'Today' is this world's current day," he said. "Meaning that, according to this world's clock, you've been gone for a few weeks now."

Suddenly realizing what he meant, I stopped asking questions and we hurried towards my house. When we reached the front door, I knocked. I hoped my mom was home. However, no sooner than when I pulled my hand away, the door swung open in a flurry of crazy black curls that had clearly not been brushed recently.

"Have you found him?" my mother asked, eyes wide. Then she stopped and stared at me. "Alice...?" she croaked.

I smiled awkwardly. "Hey, mom," I said. "Sorry I was gone so long."

We had a moment of silence before she burst into tears and wrapped her arms around me in that way that she always did when she had been in a panic. "Alice! Where have you been? You didn't leave a note or anything! I was so worried!" she sobbed.

I hugged her back. "I'm sorry," I said. "I had a lot to do."

She was pulling away to look at me when she spotted ab just behind me and her eyes widened. She covered her mouth. "Rabby..."

Rab tipped his hat. "Your Highness," he greeted.

In a joyous laugh, my mother reached over and pulled him into our hug. "Oh, Rabby! It's been so long since you came to see me!" she cried. "I was wondering if you all had forgotten me!"

The White Rabbit chuckled lightly. "I apologize, my Queen. We've been a little tied up."

After my mother cried onto our shoulders for the equivalent of a million years, she finally pulled away to be serious. "What has happened to my sister?" she asked. "Was she defeated?"

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