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Candi POV

If you don't know me, I'm Codi's little sister btw. Picture in Multi Media

I went to Prince house cause it keeps me company. I was texting my boyfriend Daron.

•Text Messages•

Me: She's a hoe (Talia, hoe of the school). She sends pictures and videos of herself to every boy she talks to.

Daron: Speaking of videos, we're like a year in this relationship, I should at least have some pictures of you😏.

Me: Umm, not really the kind of person to do that. Plus, I'll seem like a hoe.

Daron: No you won't, not if its with me the person you love and been with for a whole year now. I haven't given you one reason not to trust me. C'mon Candi.

Me: Okay, whatever. *sends pictures*

Daron POV

I've got the nudes and of course now I gotta prove my dudes wrong. To tell them I told you so.

I sent them the pictures with a comment as I told you so and for them not to show anybody.

Before I knew it people  were texting asking did I know that Candi's nudes were in the Internet.

I done fucked up.

Codi POV

I told Taylor to drop me off to Prince house to talk things out.

I got out the car.

Me: Catch up with you at work.

Taylor: K, bye. Good Luck.

I walked in the house to see my sister Candi sitting on the couch crying and shaking her phone in her hand.

Me: What's going on?

Candi: M-my nudes. They're out.

Well, since our mother moved away and she left us with our father and he died. I've always been the one to take care of Candi. We had a house and my Dads what they call it "leftover money" pays the bills. He's really rich.

Me: Why did you send nudes? Who did you send them to? Don't tell me it was Daron.

Candi: I-it was.

Me: Oh my gosh. This worrying is not good for the baby.

Candi: Baby? From who?

Me: Prince, any more questions?

Candi: No, but my body is in almost everyone's phone now. People I don't even know. People keep texting me. Calling me names.

Me: You know your still going to school right?

Candi: No, you can't make me go there with all this stuff happening.

Me: Well, you surely don't have anywhere else to go so after Prince and I have a talk he's gonna drop us off home and you can get ready for school.

Candi: *sighs*

I went upstairs to talk to Prince.

Me: Why didn't you tell me your ex was Tiera?

He seemed shocked by the question.

Prince: Well, I thought you were gonna stop talking to me if you found out that it was your friends ex. I don't want that to happen. Of course it might.

Me: Well your definitely right and your only in my life for the sake of this baby. Understood?

Prince: Yep, but I have an idea. Just know. Time to take you guys home.

It was a silent ride home except for the sobs coming from Candi. I feel so bad for her. I'm gonna try my hardest to get her into a new school, but I'm gonna talk to her about it first. I'm sure she'll be just fine with her bestfriend Reine. She's just so sweet. Plus she's been through the whole "nudes out" experience.

I was interrupted by my thoughts by us being home.

This is gonna be a long night.

I'm dabbing on my haters n' my money stacking like elevators😛



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