Pool time (finally)

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Togami's POV: I took my arm off of his shoulder and got up off the ground Togami: "I suppose I'll finish getting dressed then, you should too" Naegi blushed slightly and got dressed I did as well Naegi's POV: I had just finished getting dressed and quickly walked out of the room and saw the girls outside the door waiting impatiently for us Asahina: "you guys have been in there forever, you missed your chance to get some donuts" she then pointed to an empty don't box Kirigiri: "you wouldn't have been able to get some anyway, Asahina ate them all before we could even get one" Fukawa was looking at me with an evil glare Naegi: what is it Fukawa? Are you okay? Fukawa: "where is my dearest Togami? Why is he not with you? Is he alright? Did you hurt him? Is he..."---Naegi: "he's fine he's just still changing there is nothing to worry---- just before I could finish my sentence Togami walked out and was wearing really.......really......hot.....shorts... He looks so......hot.....wait what!!!??!!!why am I thinking that! I'm not.....gay...or..I don't think I am.. Togami:" Naegi you're drooling I know I'm hot but that's just gross" Naegi: "I am? Sorry" I quickly wiped away my spit with my arm Togami: "disgusting" he looked away from Naegi and made a gagging noise. Naegi felt hurt really really hurt he was just called disgusting by the person who he has a small crush on or so he thinks. Togami's POV: what is wrong with Naegi he looks depressed hmm strange he wasn't like that a minute ago fukawa: "Togami?" Togami: "what do you want I'm thinking" Fukawa: "well umm everyone kinda went to the pool already " she pointed at the door and sure enough no one was in the Sam room as them Togami walked through the door and saw that Kirigiri and Asahina were doing laps together while Naegi Sat alone on the other side of the pool with his feet dangling in the pool still looking depressed Togami: did I cause this?

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