Chapter Two

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Leo and Lila followed the voice outside and into the forest by Lila's house. Soon they reached a strange tree, it looked very old. It was a huge tree with thick roots covered in Moss, the tree must have been 50 feet tall at least. It had a giant hole and the base, big enough for them to go through it together.
The voice called to them again, come on. What are you waiting for?
"I think it wants us to go in." Leo stated.
"Well, I think we shouldn't." Lila replied flatly.
"Come on. Please? Just a little longer, then we'll go back home."
"Fine. But we better not get in trouble." Lila said nervously.
Leo lead them down into the hole in the tree slowly, while Lila grabbed the back of his shirt.
"Are you really that scared?" Leo teased.
"No." Lila said defensively. They kept walking, but it was getting dark and the roots on the floor we're threatening to trip them at any moment. Lila stumbled and fell on Leo. Thawp. Lila's bat went flying away.
"Ow" Leo complained.
"Where'd my bat go?"
"The hell I'd know, it almost pitch black in here."
"Come on, help me find it." Lila pulled out her phone and tried to use the minimal amount of light while feeling around.
"Here it is!" Lila exclaims. Leo crawls his way over.
"Great, now let's keep going."
"Okay, help me up." Leo stands up and goes to help her up, but loses his footing and falls back taking Lila with him. They fall down a hole into some weird underground cave.
"Leo!" Lila said irritated, "I've had enough of this, let's go home!"
"I don't think that's possible. At least from the way we came in." Leo pointed up to the hole they fell out of. It was too high up for them to reach.
"I knew this was a bad idea! I told you we shouldn't go, but no you wanted to go!"
"I'm sorry. Just calm down, okay? Getting all pissed off at me isn't going to help us get home."
Lila sighed, "Fine, your right."
"We should follow the tunnel until we find outside. Then we can figure out where we are then. We shouldn't be too far away from home."
"Okay, let get going then."
Lila and Leo walked for an hour before they felt a breeze and could see the faint light of the Moon.
"It's already night time!?" Lila shrieked "My mom is going to be pissed!"
"It's okay, we'll tell her we went for a walk through the forest and fell into a pit of sorts. Then we got lost."
"She'd probably ask questions about that. You know how she is."
"Yeah, but we aren't completely lying. So she should believe us. Anyways, we're probably covered in dirt by now."
"Okay, now where are we?"
"I don't know, it's too dark to make out too much."
"I have my phone! I'll use it for light and call someone for help!" Lila pulled out her iPhone and tried to call her mom. "Damn it, no service."
"Turn on the flash light."
"Good idea." Shining her light around Leo and her, they saw something unbelievable.

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