Chapter One

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Lila stared at the ceiling wondering for the millionth time, "What would it be like if all the fairy tales were true?" She sat up and looked around her room. It was a purple and blue, medium sized room with lots of posters and furniture in it.
While she lay in her large comfortable bed, she thought about taking nap. That's all she ever did lately, and she often wondered if something was wrong with her. She'd been like this for about a year now. Ever since her dad had died, she's been slowly spiraling down a dark path.
In mid-thought she heard a loud knock on her door, which caused her to jump.
"Hey, Lila. It's your friend, he's at the door. Come out." Leo her best friend was at the door. He was probably there to try and get her to help him with his homework. He thought she was really smart, but she only got better grades then him because she did her work in class and followed directions. She got up and headed towards the door, then she opened it.
"Hey, what's up?" She asks nonchalantly.
"Nothing, help me with my homework. Please!" Leo begged.
"Alright, fine."
"That was easy, is there something wrong?" Lila never gave in that easy, she would usually say something like "You don't need my help," or "Your smarter then me!" So Leo knew something was up.
"Nothing's wrong...." Lila looked away. "She's lying," thought Leo.
"Oh? You don't seem like your okay" he pressed. He knew she just need a little encouragement.
"Yeah, well I'm fine," she put a fake smile up for a second then let it fall.
"I've just been thinking about my dad lately...."
"Come here," Leo gave her a hug. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No, we should get our homework done." Lila said firmly.
"Lila doing her homework? That's got to be rare!"
"Oh, stop teasing me!" Lila laughed. "Anyways, it's you-" she pointed with a smirk "that never does their homework!"
An hour later, they finally finished all their homework.
"Ugh, I'm so tired" Lila sighed as she leaned up against Leo.
"It's only 5 in the afternoon! Don't you usually go to bed around midnight?"
"Yeah, but doesn't mean I won't be tired!" Lila pushed Leo playfully.
"Oh? Do you want to go?" Leo squared up.
"Yeah, let's go!" Lila threw herself towards Leo in a effort to tackle him.
"Missed me!" He taunted. Soon they we're laughing and rolling on the ground, until they heard something odd.
A whisper called something in a raspy voice.
"Hey, did you here that?" Leo suddenly said as he had Lila pinned.
"No, what is it." Lila said in a giggle filled voice.
Leo paused for a minute. "I don't know...." He said finally "Must of been my imagination." Leo got off Lila and with a puzzled look.
Again, but a little louder the voice called, come with me.
"Okay, that time I heard it." Lila said with a shiver.
"Come on, let's check it out."
"What!? Are you crazy? We should call the police, someone must be in the house!"
"I don't think so." Leo had a far away kind of look in his eyes that confused Lila. "If you don't want to come with I'll go by myself."
"No, if your going I better come with you." Lila grabbed a bat out of her closest and her phone. "Okay, I'm ready." She sighed.

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