Where am I?

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Aria's POV:

I opened my eyes to find a skeleton staring down at me. "AAH!" I jumped. 

The skeleton scooted back a few feet. "Oh, sorry about that..."

"I-It's fine...may I ask who you are?"

"Why don't cha shake my hand first?"

I reached out and shook his hand, only to hear a specific sound....

"HEHEHEHEHEHE, the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick! My name is Sans. Sans the Skeleton. And, who might you be?"

"Um.....my name is Aria."

"That's cool. Say, do you wanna get out of here and go to Grillbys with me?"

"I guess....but what's Grillbys?"

"Only the best restaurant in town! Follow me."

I followed him, I was getting hungry after all. Wait, how did I survive that fall? Without any broken bones? That was strange. We walked towards a shadow and in that instant, we were in a well lit tavern. What? Did we teleport or something?

"This way, kid." He motioned towards the bar area with a bony hand. (Lol, expect more of these terrible puns xD) We sat town and waited for a moment before a flaming monster who was somehow wearing clothes......was this all a dream?

"Hey, Sans! Nice to see you again! Who is your friend here?"

"I'm Aria, it's nice to meet you Mr..."

"Call me Grillby. Now, what can I get for you?"

"I'll have the usual, two large bottles of ketchup please."

"Very good sir. And, what about you maim?"

"Um..." I looked at the menu until I found something. "A cup of hot chocolate, please."

"Great choice! I'll be back in a few." And with that, he disappeared into the kitchen.

Sans turned his stool and faced me.

"So, kid..."

Sans' POV:

"So, kid. How did you get here anyways? I know you fell down the hole, but why were you up there?"

"I lost a bet."

"Oh, I see."

Soon after, our 'food' came. I chugged down the two bottles of ketchup.

"Ah, delicious."

"How do you stand to just drink it like that?"

"What? It's really good!!!"

"Ok then..."

She finished her hot chocolate, and we decided to leave.

"So, since you probably don't have any money, and have nowhere else to stay, do you want to crash at my place for a night or two until I figure stuff out?"

"Sure, that sounds great!"

"Sweet. Just to warn you, I do have a brother that's kind of.....well you'll see."

And with that, we headed back to my place.

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