Chapter 3

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"Sanskar! Talk!" Swara snapped

"What do you want me to say?" Sanskar asked perplexed

"Sanskar, were you really so busy that you couldn't return my calls? You don't even have little bit of timer me now?" Swara repeated...feeling a bit dejected now.

"Swara, its not like that" Sanskar pleaded

"Then what is it like?" she asked

"Swara, I was really busy. I had back to back meetings the entire day. You know what is happening at the house. You know that I haven't been able to focus on work or give it the time that it needs, for a long time now. But i had to get back to focusing on my business at some point in time again, right? I have really worked hard to build this business. I cannot let it fall apart. I still have a lot of work to do" he explained...which was in a way true. Now that things had settled down and he had decided that he would go away from everyone after Swara was back with Laksh, he had also decided that he needed to focus on his business and expanding it outside India.

"Then why have you come to talk to me now. Go ahead and focus on your work even now" she replied turning away from him.

"Swara, why are you getting so mad? I am here with you right now, right? I am in front of you. Why are you fighting?" he tried to reason with her

"haawwwhh ....I am fighting?" Swara said looking at him with wide eyes

"No, I was the one who was fighting. I was the one who was angry, fine? Do you want me to hold my ears and apologise now? Forgive me, your highness Swara devi" he asked making puppy eyes

"Okay! Okay. You don't need to do so much drama" Swara replied, now pretending to be angry with him.

"Okay, now tell me, why did you call me? What happened?" he asked

"Nothing! I don't want to tell you about it now. I am not in the mood" she replied fake pouting in front of him.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me? Look, might as well tell me. You might end up getting stomach ache trying to hold it inside" he teased

"There is nothing wrong with my stomach"

"Think about it. Are you sure you don't want to talk?" he asked again. Seeing her turn her head away, he pretended to leave the room "Fine, I am going back to my room in that case."

She waited for a few seconds to see if he was really leaving, when she saw he was, she rushed and held his hand "Wait!"

"Fine! Tell me what happened now"

She sat down with him in the bed and blurted everything in a few breaths. "Swara. Take a deep breath, otherwise you will faint from lack of oxygen" he commented in between before she hit him and continued telling him about the lunch.

At the end of it, she looked at him expectantly, waiting for his reaction. His thoughts and guidance mattered to her, a lot. He looked at her, pausing for a minute before responding.

"Swara, I am really proud of the way you handled this. Today was the first time that you listened to the voice of your heart and gave it importance.  You didn't squash it down because of the wishes of others. I am really happy hearing this. If a relationship is based on the wishes of just one person, it cannot survive. For a relationship to work, it needs to be based on the wishes of both the people concerned. You have taken the right step. Till now, this relationship was based only on Lucky's wishes. Now you have made your wishes clear to him."

While a part of her was happy and proud even at his words, a part of her was dejected – especially with his words that expected this to be the start of a stronger relationship between her and Laksh

"But Sanskar, I want Laksh and Ragini...." She tried to reply

"Swara, for the first time in your life, you have give importance to the voice of your heart. " he cut in "please don't go back to the old days where you forgot yourself in trying to make Ragini happy"

"Sanskar" she asked softly "Do you think I am crazy for giving Ragini another chance?"

"No Swara, Of course not!. Ragini is your sister. The sister that you love very much. You want to find the old Ragini in her, the one who was clean hearted and was willing to do anything for those that she loved. We always want to find goodness in those that are close to our heart. And you did the same thing. Trying to find goodness in our loved ones isn't wrong. But Swara, despite what we may want or wish, the reality is that each one of us has some flaws. And I don't want you to get hurt because of the flaws in her. " he explained

Swara nodded before tentatively opening up to another truth that she wanted him to know "Sanskar, I am not sure I can be friends with Laksh...." She trailed off

"Swara, I know he has hurt you a lot, by not trusting you and through his bitter words. You must be wondering, how Laksh, who was your friend, your love, not even know you enough and could hurt you. May be your heart is wondering how you can build a relationship with someone who doesnt really know you. "

Swara snapped up to look into his eyes, he had read her like an open book. He knew her concerns more than she did. He had put in words, what wasn't even clear in her mind beyond the wisps of doubt

Sanskar continued "Swara, give some time to Laksh. He has also been hurt. He has also had his heart broken. And when faced with such a situation, the heart sometimes is even scared of believe and trusting what he really knows about the other person. Give him and this relationship some time. Trust me, soon the old Laksh that knew you, will come back to you"

"Sanskar, You know me really well"

"That is because you don't know something.  Swara, I am mind reader. I can read whatever is going on in your mind. I have a device to help me with it" he teased

"Sanskar!" Swara quipped hitting him on his shoulder

They continued their light banter for a few more minutes before Parineeta Bhabhi came around to call them for dinner

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