Chapter 6

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As had become a practice since his arrival at the house, Laksh had joined Shekhar and Swara for breakfast. 

Shekhar had extended his hospitality to Laksh–even though he was well now–allowing Laksh his own sweet time to find a suitable accommodation in the city while he helped Shekhar. While Laksh had offered to move back into the hotel, Shekhar had completely waved that thought off insisting that Laksh continue to stay with them until he found a suitable home.

"Laksh, I am setting up a meeting for us with the bank today," Shekhar said as they were about to finish

"Would you be okay with rescheduling the meeting to tomorrow? I am sorry I should have informed you of this, but there is something personal that I need to take care of today," Laksh explained apologetically

"That is fine. I will have it moved," Shekhar assured Laksh, "I hope nothing is the matter. Is everything going well with your business meetings?" he asked

"Yes, all well there. It is nothing serious," Laksh said before tentatively adding, "Actually, it is my mother's death anniversary," he fibbed, "I usually take some time away from work to do some goodwill on this day," he added sadly.

"Oh! I am really sorry. I did not know. I can understand how tough it must be to growing up without the presence of a mother," Shekhar said looking sadly at his daughter. "If you don't mind telling us, how did she pass away?"

"She had an accident," Laksh added sadness seeping into his words.

"I am really sorry to hear that," Shekhar said.

Swara looked at him with concern. She wanted to go over and hold his hand, hug him, do something to make him feel better. But she was helpless.

Laksh shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. "It is okay. It was a long time ago. I usually go to spend some time and give some gifts to those who aren't privileged as us"

"That is a really noble gesture," Shekhar agreed, "May be we should think about it for Shomi's birthday," he said looking at Swara, before explaining, "Shomi was the name of my wife; Swara's mother."

Laksh nodded. "If you don't mind," he said very tentatively, "Has she been gone long? How did she pass away? I am sorry. I hope I am not crossing any line here."

Shekhar shook his head sadly. "She was unwell for a long time," seeing inquiring look in Laksh's eyes he added, "heart trouble. She passed away twelve years ago"

Laksh nodded understandingly. "I am really sorry to hear that"

"Can I come with you to visit these children?" Swara asked suddenly, turning to Shekhar he asked, "Can I Baba?"

Laksh looked at her apprehensively and then awkwardly towards Shekhar

"I don't know but it is up to Laksh. He might want to have some privacy," Shekhar told his daughter before turning to look at Laksh.

"I don't have any problems with Swaraji joining me," he said. He had been calling her that in front of other people to keep the mask of being acquaintances. "In fact, I would be happy for you to join me as well," he said looking at Shekhar, "But I don't know how comfortable you will find it," he said tentatively, "I am not going to a children's home. I am actually going to an old-age home. They do have some there who can also be unwell. I didn't want to put you in spot when I wasn't sure if you would be comfortable."

Shekhar looked at Swara for her answer.

"I think I would still like to go, Baba," she said quietly

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Shekhar asked concerned, only to get her nod in response. He turned to Laksh, "Can you please ensure that she is well taken care of? If she is uncomfortable, the driver can get her back." 

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