Chapter 17

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Swara looked at him softly whispering to him "I want to see Maa. Just once. Please"

Sanskar nodded and turned to look at Dr Dutta "Is there anyway Kavita can meet the lady? She wants to understand what environment would be like when they come to meet. I know you have gone out of the way for us. Please can you help us with this one last request" Sanskar requested, almost bordering pleading. He knew how much it meant to his Cookie to meet her Maa and the shock she had been through seeing her alive, questioning all she had thought and known for more than a decade.

"It is not an acceptable practice' Dr Dutta started saying apologetically

"Please" Swara said teary eyed "Please. Just for a few minutes"

Seeing her tears, Dr Dutta gave a tentative nod, asking them to follow him into the visiting area even as he asked an attendant to escort Shomi to there. When they entered, they saw almost a glass and net screen separating the patient and the visitors.

"This is not the set-up for every patient, but for some who can get violent, we do need to have this to protect the visitors" Dr Dutta explained.

Shomi slowly made her way, with the help of the attendant, and sat down on the chair that was on the other side of the screen. Sanskar held Swara's hand and intertwined their fingers, knowing that she would need all the strength she could get right now. Swara looked at him once, seeing him nod, she turned to Shomi.

"Hello" She said quietly "I am" she paused a bit remembering that Dr Dutta was standing right there "I am Kavita. Everyone calls me Shona though"

Shomi's head snapped up hearing this "Shona! Shona! Where is my Shona!" she said loudly

"She is right here" Sanskar said, when Swara felt choked "See, Shona is right here"

"Shona! Where is she" Shomi said getting more aggravated

"I think we should stop this" Dr Dutta said signaling the attendant "She is getting aggravated"

"Just a few minutes. Please" Sanskar cut in. Reluctantly Dr Dutta nodded signaling the attendant to back off.

"I should have told you to stay away from the word. She gets aggravated by some words. It is one of them." Dr Dutta said

Sanskar looked at him, wanting to ask more, when Swara extended her fingers towards the screen, trying to get close to her Maa despite the barriers. Shomi's eyes widened, as she spotted Swara's fingers

"Blood! Blood!" she screamed.

Sanskar looked at Shomi and then at Swara. Swara realized that her Maa had mistaken her blood red nail polish probably, she tried to explain it was just nail polish, but Shomi was already out of it.

Shomi started scrubbing her hands, scratching herself while screaming "Blood! I have blood on my hands! I killed him! I killed him!"

Both Sanskar and Swara's eyes widened at this even as they looked at each other with concerned looked. Dr Dutta immediately asked the attendant to take her away, this time not listening to any pleading from either of them, realizing they weren't going to get anymore time with Shomi, all three returned to Dr Dutta's office.

Sanskar held Swara's hands tightly as they sat down in the office. "Will she be given some anti-depressants for this episode? That is what is usually done, right?" Sanskar asked quietly, knowing Swara would want to know what would happen with her Maa.

"You are right, that is the usual practice, unfortunately it is risky in this case" Dr Dutta said

"Risky? Why?" Sanskar asked

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