Nomanda- I'll protect you

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Amanda screamed as she felt another one of her boyfriends hands colliding with her cheek. The tears that she tried so hard not to let out were now streaming down her face.

"Oh, stop whining!" Her boyfriend Max yelled at her as he sent his foot flying into her side. Amanda fell onto her side while endlessly sobbing as his foot stiked her again and again and again...

After eventually stopping, Max kneeled down to where she lay on the floor and whispered something in her ear. "Tell anyone about this." He said, "And you'll be dead meat. Literally." Amanda got extremely frightened at this because she knew that Max was serious about this. Deadly serious...

Amanda walked into the studio the next day wearing her big purple hoody to hide the bruises up and down her arm while also covering up her left eye with her long brown hair as it has swelled up and turned black overnight from one of the endless punches she'd received the evening before.

She slowly walked into Studio A and gently put her bag down by the cubbies making sure that she didn't damage her already beaten up arm any further.

She walked over and sat herself down just in front of Riley's new office and began to stretch all alone as she watched everyone else mingle by the bars...

Amanda's not the person she used to be. When she was at Elite she was too dog, everyone loves her and everyone wanted to be her friend but ever since she started dating Max her self confidence has just vanished leaving a new Amanda left behind, one who was always alone, she's not the girl that everyone used to love...

"Hey Manda." She heard a voice say from above her and she immediately know who it was... Noah. She looked up at him and smiled before quickly looking around the room in search of Max, she knew that if he saw her talking to another boy something unpleasant will happen...

Noah threw his bag to the side and sat down next to her cause Amanda to tense up, it's not because she didn't like Noah heck she was head over heals for him. He's been the only person who's stayed by her side all this time...

Noah began to make the usual small talk he always would with the tall girl each day, always beginning with 'how are you?' and Amanda's reply always the same... 'fine..' but she wasn't fine.. she hadn't been fine for quite sometime but she couldn't tell him, she didn't want him getting involved with any of this.. She wanted to protect the brown haired boy.. Because she loved him.. and she had done for quite sometime now..

Suddenly she heard the faint sound of laughter coming from the direction of the double doors leading into Studio A. Her snapped to the right, causing whiplash down her neck but she didn't care. She saw her boyfriend and his best friend, Eldon, walking into the big room. Her eyes caught Max's as his face clouded with anger when he spotted the two dancers together. Amanda knew she was in for it.. big time..

Max stormed over to them both with so much anger written all over him that you could hardly believe that this same man, the one that Amanda fell in love with, would never ever even imagine of becoming as angry as he was right at this moment.

"Amanda." Max spoke through gritted teeth. "Can I speak to you please? Now!?" Amanda quickly nodded and got up to her feet leaving a very confused and scared looking Noah behind.

She quickly followed Max into the B studio where, as soon as she walked in, a punch was thrown at her causing her petit body to hit the cold wooden floor...

Meanwhile, the normal A-troupe rehersals were now in full swing. Noah waited for a while, waiting for the brown haired girl he was just talking with, until he finally gave up and went to look for her.

He quickly sped down the corridors looking in every room. The music room, java junction, the lounge, everywhere! Until suddenly he heard the sound of screams coming from Studio B. The brown haired boy ran down the length of the corridor before slamming the door wide open to see something he'd never want to see...

Max was repeatedly throwing punches towards Amanda's face, body, legs, everywhere. The brown haired boy stood their, stunned. He didn't know what to do. Everyone always saw him as this week innocent boy who wouldn't hurt a fly, because it was true, each time he saw a fly he would be the one to gently pick it up and put it outside whilst everyone else were taking their shoes off ready to swat the poor thing. But he knew he couldn't be like that now. He had to do something to save the girl he loved...

It took all the strength inside of him to force Max of the tall girl and usually he would barely be able to hurt Max but this time, because of all the anger building up inside of him, he grabbed Max by the shoulders and threw him to the ground.

He immediately tried to get back up but was thrown back down to the ground again after receiving a punch from Noah.

He got up again but this time instead of fighting back he ran out the room and put the studio, he knew that he was caught and now he had to get away as soon as he can...

Meanwhile, Noah crouched down to Amanda's height and wrapped his arms around her petit body, pulling her close and she cried violently into his chest.

"I'm here now." He whispered in her ear soothing her. "I'll protect you.. forever and always."

And that's exactly what he did..

A/N Woow I've finally finished, I've literally been working in this for weeks so I hope you've enjoyed it. I'm gonna try and wrote oneshots regularly as i haven't actually wrote one since Christmas whoops.Any requests for the next one?? X

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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