Chapter 17. Angels of harmony

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Charmaine's POV

I know that Nate just saved me but I can't just wait around for him to wake up when he may not even wake up, when Micah's still in the torture room.
I have to find Micah, I yelled as I ran off. I looked in each door, nothing. But then I heard footsteps. And I started to backup. And that's when I ran into someone. I turned around quickly, only to find Zurrie. I hugged her, because I really needed one, I was so terrified of what they had done to Micah. Just then we heard a scream from below us. I looked down and in the back part of the  hallway was a trap door, that was it! We both ran to it, quickly ran down the stairs and we found him sitting still awake, but hardly. I ran to him untied him, but I heard him say something.

"they were controlling me, Charm. I saw the computer room. They controlled when my demonic side came, and what happens when it did. They almost made me kill you, charm. That's why they took you, you were the only one who could bring me out of that state, other than when I die. Azazel would have killed you, but he liked you, so he didn't," Micah said just above a whisper.

"Oh believe me, he killed me," I said.

I took Micah out of the chair and zurrie took one arm and I took the other. As we were asked up the stairs and into the room where Nate was, there were two men about to beat the shit out of Michael. Just then I heard Micah say something again. "I need to turn. I can make myself turn. But charm, can you promise to bring me back?" Micah said while softly crying.

"Wait!" I said. But it was too late, he'd already done it. I watched as he ran at one man and bashed his head in and took one of his eyeballs out and put it in his mouth and squished it. Then the other man was horrified so he tried to run but Micah caught him. Micah slammed the mans head into his knee and then put him in a non human looking position and pushed down and broke his spine then pulled on each side of his jaw and pulled his bottom jaw off. Then he stood up and looked at me. He just stood there.

"Micah, I need you to come back. Babe I need you to come back. I love you and you need to turn back to your angelic state," I yelled.

Then he ran at me and stopped and put his finger through my hair and whispered, "I was never gone."

It was then that Micah went to tend his brother. He'd brought him back once with my abilities, he could do it again. Only angels of harmony could bring people back so that's why he needed me. Micah is an angel of Miracle.

"Charm come here, come help me," yelled Micah.

"But I've never used my Abilities twice  before," I said running towards him.

"You have, you just don't remember, I made you forget," said Micah.

I ignored his comment for later, and put my hands on nates chest. I could feel Micah's eyes on me. Then he looked back at Nate and took my hands and held them. We closed our eyes and I felt pain. Alot of pain, like my heart was being taken from me. Nothing happened. Nate isn't moving.

"No! God why are you taking him from me. My only brother, I just got my memories back from him and now he's dead. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Micah yelled.

"You know its wrong to swear at god" said a small voice.

Micah looked down at Nate and I think that was the happiest I've seen him in a while.

Micah's POV

As we were walking out the door I saw something laying on the ground. It was a picture of Azazel, Charm and I. It was then that I realized she'd met Azazel before. Only once. When id brought her here when him and I were still friends. Then he turned on me. I picked up the picture and put it in my pocket without anyone noticing.
Once we got back to my old house, I told Charm to meet me in my bedroom. As I walked in I took out my phone to check the time.

"so what'd you want to talk to me about?" questioned Charm.

I jumped at the comment because I wasn't expecting her to be in here yet.

Then I said, "Ok, so, Charm, you know my feelings for you, but I don't know yours. I mean, im not forcing you to like me but I just need to know. I need you to be honest wit-" I was interrupted by Charm's lips crashing on mine.

"I love you too, Micah," said Charm.

I smiled and kissed her back. Then, I pushed her on the bed.

"Micah they're right in the other room," she whined.

"I don't care," I said pulling her shirt off.

I put my hand on her back but broke the kiss.

"Charm, what happened to your back?" I asked.

"I don't know but I've had these two scars for forever. I don't remember how I got them," she said sadly.

I turned her around and rubbed my thumbs over the scars. There were two 8 inch vertical scars on both sides of her spine. I knew exactly what they were from once she said she didn't remember. They were from when her wings were cut off. She was a full angel, so she had wings and I didn't. But I didn't want to tell her that. She wouldn't believe me. So I'll wait for later to tell her. I'll find them and then she'll believe me.

"Wow," was all I managed to say.

I turned her back towards me and I said, "Well at least you don't have to be haunted of the memory."

"what?" she asked because of the way I sounded as if I knew about it.

I didn't want to answer the question so I just said "what?" back to her.

She smiled and I kissed her again and we proceeded in our previous activity.

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