Chapter 16. Azazel

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Michael's POV

I looked inside the new room and found weapons on the walls, and in the middle of the room there was a box with golden engravings on it. It had a glass box around it on top of a marble stand.

"What's in that?," I asked interested.

"The knife I took from that idiot over there," Micah said pointing at Nate.

"Hey if im an idiot, then your a bigger idiot," said Nate.

"Here, take these," said Micah throwing a pair of night vision goggles at each one of us. "Stock up," he said smiling.

And with that I ran to the wall with an Axe on it. I got a pair of daggers, an Axe, a sword, and a few smoke bombs. We were ambushing his underground warehouse, I figured as much that we needed to be armed heavily.

"This is war," yelled Zurrie.

By this time it was 8 pm.

"Ok, so the plan. Zurrie can you seduce the first two demons that are up front? If you can do that then me, Michael, and Nate will be able to get in. Then we'll have to wing it once we get inside. I've never been to this warehouse before. All but this one, that's another reason I know Charm's there," said Micah right before we used our abilities to get to London.

But this time Nate, zurrie and I used our abilities and just held onto Micah, because we think that's what's causing his alter ego to appear. Once the plan was in session and zurrie distracted the two front guards, us boys went inside.

Micah's POV

Once we stepped inside what I saw was frightening. There were computers with my information on it. And timed system on when a switch kicked in on me. Then I realized what they were doing. They'd been controlling my alter ego demon side from day one. I ran at the guard and covered his mouth and heard the crunching noise of his spine break when I snapped his neck. He lost consciousness right away and I slowly lowered him to not draw attention to us. But his head hit the floor alittle too loud. One guard turned around and that caused them all to. There was about 8 of them. Michael threw a smoke bomb and cut off the head of one of the demon guards and we did the same to all of them until we aproched Azazel himself.

"well, well, well, and low behold you took the bait my dear Micah," Azazel said slowly turning around clapping.

Just then I felt a pair of hands on my arms. They pulled me into a room hand cuffed me and tied me to a chair, leaving Nate and Michael out with Azazel. I have no idea where Zurrie got to.

Charmeines POV

I started to wake up and felt pains in my side. I was in a room, there was only one dim light. The room was cold but looked just like a guestroom, so I wonder who else has been here. There is a bed in the back left corner of the room. That's what I woke up on. Why is it that I'm always the one that gets kidnapped? I ran out the door but I ran into someone. Was this the famous Azazel? I got up and looked to see who it was but thank god it was only zurrie.

"Ok, well that was easier than I expected," said Zurrie.

"Well where do we go from here?" I asked.

"I don't know, I thought you would have a plan," said Zurrie.

"I was asleep Zurrie, you really think I can come up with a plan while i'm sleeping?" I said.

"well how was I supposed to know you were sleeping?" zurrie questioned.

I sighed and said, "well what are we going do then?"

"Well, Azazel's men have Micah in the torchering room and I have something we will need. There is a knife in my pocket, take it out and this powder is poison, dip the knife in it and stab him, only then he will die," said zurrie looking me in the eyes and pointing to her right pocket. "We need to split up, I have a knife too, if you see him don't hesitate to kill him, just do it," she trailed off as she ran down the hall.

I carefully walked down the other side of the hall listening for any voices. I finally heard three voices, two of them I recognized, one I had never heard before, or I am pretty sure. I walked into a room only to find Michael and Nate trying to inflict pain on a tall handsome man, but then I realized who he was, Azazel. I ran at him but with a motion of his hand I felt like I was just punched in the face by air and stood there for a few seconds. He walked towards me with a sly facial expression.

"I've got better plans for you me dear," he said stoking my hair.

This was my chance. As he leaned in closer to me I impaled him.

Nate then yelled "ya charm, get your badass on."

But before I could celebrate Azazel turned around and slammed his back into my stomach. It was then that I felt such pains in my stomach. He had impaled me too. As we both collapsed on the ground Michael and Nate hovered over me, "what do I do, what do I do??" yelled Michael.

Nate calmly stopped Michael from freaking out by nodding and took a deep breath. He knew what to do, but it was a huge risk. Micah is his bloodline brother so they share some genes, if they both share the demonic trait, he will come back to life after he puts his lifeness into my body, but he will have to learn how to control his alter ego too. But if he Doesn't have the trait... Nate will be gone forever. I can feel the life being drained from me. My last vision was of Nate putting his life into my dead body.

Micah, come on, were gonna be late, my parents will kill me if im late to our party.

"I know, I know, just wait one more minute, I have something for you," said Micah while smiling.

"Uh oh," I mumbled.

"No, no, its a good something," he said laughing.

He leaned in closer to me and kissed me. I could feel him move my hair, and he broke the kiss. I looked down and on a chain there was a locket. I opened it and inside there was a recent picture of us on one side holding hands and on the other, there was a picture of us when we were about 4 years old holding hands walking together. Even though it was simple it made me want to cry of happiness that I have someone who does this kind of stuff. I hugged him kissed his cheek then ran inside blowing him a kiss at the door step. Then I felt my consciousness come back. I was alive. Nate had saved me. But it's only fair considering he tried to kill me.

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