Small Date

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(^member of Infinite7: (left to right) Dahyun, Hoya (in the upcoming chapter), Jihyo and Wonwoo) __

/arcade zone/

"Eunji-ya!!" shouted V

"Ok!! Bomb time!!" shouted Eunji while pressing red button.

"Oh!?" said V in disbelieve

"Oppa we win!!!" shouted Eunji while jumping and high fiving with V

"INFIRES MANNN!!!" shouted V

"Infires? What that?" asked Eunji

"Ahh that what Suga sunbae teach me for being swag" answered V

"Suga sunbae?" said Eunji

"He is the legendary swag sunbae, I will introduce him to you" said V "Anyway, you are so amazing!!"

V stroked Eunji's head and giving her thumb up. Eunji face became red.

"Oh wait.. Oppa?" asked V

"Oops.. Sorry, I just thought that you are older cause Jungkook call you 'hyung'" answer Eunji, lowering her head

"Thats okay" said V, taking Eunji's chin and suddenly lean forward and kiss her. ON. HER. LIPS.

"Wow that was.." said Eunji

"Sorry, my lips automatically do that" said V

"How can your lips do that by itself without your brains working?" laughed Eunji "Are you an alien?"

"And does alien do that?" asked V back

"I dont know.. Maybe" said Eunji

"Aigoo babo" said V while laughing "Well.. My friends also call me 'alien'"

"See?" said Eunji, raising one of her eyebrows

"BUT with different reasons" said V

"What is the reasons then?" asked Eunji

"Guess.." said V, winking at Eunji

V ran on the street with Eunji chasing behind him.

"Eiiii oppa!!" said Eunji chasing V

"Catch me if you can!!!" teased V

/Run-BTS is playing/

Well, thats how we discovered V's 'alien' nickname.

"HE TRIED TO KISS HER!!!" shouted Jihyo

"Jihyo-ya..." said Wonwoo

"DONT TRY TO COMFORT ME!!" shouted Jihyo, tears fall from her eyes

"Wonwoo-ya lets sit, the teacher is coming" said Dahyun

/teacher came/

"Guys, new student here" said Mr. Minggyu "Introduce yourself"

"Hi im Hoya" said Hoya

"Ok, you can sit there.. Beside the red-haired student" said Mr. Minggyu pointing to a desk beside Jihyo.

/Hoya sit beside Jihyo/

"Hi" said Jihyo, looking at him

"Hey" said Hoya back without looking at her

This person... Feeling the dangerous vibe, should I recruit him? But before that let's find out about him first.


9.00 p.m

"Byeee~" said V, waving his hand

"Byee night oppa!!" said Eunji

"Dream of me" said V, walking away from Eunji

"I will" laughed Eunji "Dream of me too!!"

"I will make sure of it!!!" shouted V while waving his hand and walking backwards

"Aigoo that alien" chuckled Eunji

Eunji entered 'her'-obviously her mom's house.

"I'm home!!", cried Eunji

Running toward Eunji, Chorong cried, "Yah!! You naughty kid!! Why is your phone off!? I've called you hundreds of times but you didn't answer!! It's 9 already, you should have been home at 4!!"

"Sorry mom..", said Eunji, lowering her head

Chorong sighs "I'm just worried.. Don't be late again ok? Or else!!"

Eunji hurriedly said "Yes mom, I understand"

"By the way.."

"Yes mom?", replied Eunji who is still shivering from her mom's scolding

"Did you eat ice cream? Your clothes have a brown marks", said Chorong, suspiciously

"Y-yes I did"


"My friend", answered Eunji

"Boy? Girl?", asked her mom

"Boy.. I-it's just a treat!! Umm... Welcoming a new student!! Since it's my first day at school, new school", said Eunji, covering up about the whole idea of her small date with V

Nice safe Eunji

"Reallllyyyy???", asked her mom, still suspicious

"Y-yea of course", said Eunji while smiling, failed to feel her sweat forming on her head

"Okay then if u insisted, now go to sleep", said Chorong "You don't want to be late for school tomorrow right?"

"Yea.. How about you?", asked Eunji back "Watching another drama?"

"Uh huh", said Chorong, walking back to the sofa


"Okay, night"


/enters her room/
/put her bag near the bedpost/
/charging her handphone/

Fiuh... That's close, really close. But I don't care, TODAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER IN MY LIFE!!! Of course, I don't only eat choco ice cream with him, we walked around the park while holding our hands. KYAAAA!!! Omo my face is getting red!! Ok ok calm down Eunji, calm down. Then of course, we exchange our phone numbers, thats a must!!

/laying down on the bed/

We also visited the dog store and took pictures together with the dogs. They are so cutttteeeee, but V is cuter tho. AHHH IDK IDK IM GETTING SO EXCITED BY REMEMBERING IT AGAIN!!

While Eunji is so happy about her small date with V, she accidentally kicked her bag.

"Eunji-yah!! Everything ok!?", cried her mom from outside her room

"Oh? Oh yea yea I'm ok!! Just accidentally kick my bag!!", cried Eunji

"Ok then, quick go to bed!! Its getting late!!", replied her mom

"Yes mom!!"

/switch off light/

I'm gettin tired.. Gonna sleep and restore my energy to meet V oppa tomorrow, so excited!! Goodnight oppa, goodnight me~

굼 [Dream] kth x jejWhere stories live. Discover now