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[In highway..]


"I... you, Hani" I said.

"You already know that i have a boyfriend right? Just leave me alone and get a life will you?!" she spatted back at me.

"I know that you have a boyfriend, but can't you just leave him and-"

"Are you crazy!? He is my everything!!! just give up now, you will never be my boyfriend... If you don't have anything to say more, I will leave"

"Wait, but-" I tried to grab her hand, but she swatted my hand.

Hani left me, running and suddenly i heard a crash...


She is nowhere to be found and i spotted her laying in the ground, full of blood.

"Hani!!! Tell me you're okay!!! Just open your eyes.. Please... NOOOO!!!"

(Waken from the dream)

"AHHH!!!" I screamed and realized that it's a nightmare... again?

A/N: The fonts in italic are V's thought in his dream. This is the prologue of the story, hope you enjoy this story and please keep supporting

굼 [Dream] kth x jejWhere stories live. Discover now