Traveling with The Family

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"Trevor, I said lets go!"

May 30, 2016. Memorial Day. This is around the season where the Jackson family takes their second vacation to their isolated lake house on the southern side of Port Falls. Port Falls is a small town located in the eastern side of Washington. It's not the most populated, but it sure isn't small either. It's kind of your normal pass-and-go type town that you see in those movies. Those movies that always have that one diner in town where everybody knows everyone and the people seem really friendly. 

In Port Falls, you are socially determined by what area of town you reside on. For instance, if you were a lower class citizen or family, you were to reside on the eastern side of town. If you were middle class citizen or family, you reside on the western. But if you were upper class then you would reside on the northern side of Port Falls. This is where the Jackson Family stands. 

The Jackson's come from an extended line of money. Most of it is earned, partial is inherited. The father, Martin, is the lawyer in Port Falls, while Roberta, the mother, is the towns sheriff. Other than the O'Brian and the Gilbert family you could say that the Jacksons are one of the most well known family in Port Falls. The family consists of two sons and a daughter. Steven, 18, a senior in Port Falls High School. He's number 17 on the basketball team. Sometimes that's all he ever does is play basketball. In his mind, basketball comes first while grades come second. Of course his logic didn't stand well with his parents, nor did it make sense, but since his grades are pretty decent it seems to be no problem.

Trevor, 16, sophomore in high school. Trevor was never athletic compared to Steven. He was on the badminton team, but that was pretty much it. Trevor is usually known for his stimulating need to be social and his seldom dark sense of humor and personality. He is that dark grey crayon in the box that you know is a good color, but its too dark for most pictures. He is more on the popular side to be technical, but its only by association.

Thus bringing us to Katerina. She is the busy bee of the family and wont rest until a task, or tasks is completed. She's on the cheer team for the Port Falls Panthers. She is social, friendly, and very outgoing. Sometimes she would put herself in a random room with strangers and introduce herself just to make friends. That's just who she is. She's always texting someone new, most of the time it's even in a group chat. She is named after her grandmother, her moms side, who unfortunately passed away months before she was born. Martin wanted to name her something more new and lively instead of some name that was from the late 1800s but Roberta insisted. To add, Katerina grew fond of her name. She says that it is kind of hot. Fiery. It adds character.

"Trevor!" Roberta called again. 

"I'm literally right behind you." Trevor replied, listening to his music with an earphone inside of his left ear.

"Uh-uh. I thought I told you about no cell phones allowed? You know this!"

"You never said anything about iPods."

Roberta turned to see Katerina and Lamar with one earphone inside their ears. What really made her upset was the volume that the music was on. Especially if you have one earphone in and the other one out, that is a major effect of causing ear trauma. 

"Have y'all been taking iPods with you this entire time?" Roberta asked.

"Pretty much. You didn't say anything about it, so we thought it was okay." Katerina said.

"No. I said no phones!"

"But these aren't phones. These are iPods. You cant really do much with an iPod nano."

"Hey, if we really want to make it there before the bad weather hits we better get on the road now." Martin warned.

Roberta started to question her knowledge of todays technology. Before any of them could move, she told them to leave their iPods at home. She promised them that they would have so much fun without it. She sees it as a barrier for children to not pay attention to what's going on in the real world. Everyone is so focused on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, and Instagram. This is why this vacation is helpful. It's to not forget to love your surroundings and appreciate what beauty mother nature had given you.

After what seemed like hours of riding in the car, the finally turned on the dirt road. The dirt road that they all know so well. To any regular person who wouldn't know about their private house, and who hasn't traveled down this road before, it would look like a beginning of a scary movie. You know, where you just know that every one as going to die in it. But to this family, it was an escape. Although, it is kind of hard to escape when the father, Martin, kept playing his car playlist of 90's power Diva songs on repeat. 

That was the reason why everyone wanted to take their iPods; and at this point, Roberto wouldn't blame them. She wished that she had one for herself, too. She would fall asleep during the ride, so she didn't know what was going on when she was out cold. But this time she couldn't sleep. 

When the car finally came to a stop, everyone rushed to get out of the car. The hurriedly unbuckled their seatbelt and quickly exited the BMW.

"Oh my god. Freedom!" Katerina exclaimed.

"My god, there has never been a time where I hated hearing Mariah Carey sing other than this moment!" 

"Shut up. It's better than that whipping and nae nae you guys listen to." Martin said. "Just help me with the bags out of the back of the car. I think it's time for me to get dinner started."

The sound of thundering started to become more audible as a raindrop fell onto Trevor's nose. Personally, he loved the rain. He loved playing in the rain, even though his parents told him that he would get sick if he did that. But he never really got sick. He would just sneeze a lot. He thought that the sound of rain and thunder was calming. A great way to ease the nerves.

"Trevor, you comin'?" Steven asked. 

He didn't notice that everyone had gotten nearly all of the rest of the food out of the back of the car. He was thinking to himself for a while he must have zoned himself out. He shook his head and got the rest of the bread, cake, and the other ingredients his dad had bought to make his 'super fruit salad.' He closed the trunk and quickly rushed inside as the water was starting to fall heavier. When it rains in Washington, it pours.

Let's get this trip started.

Next Chapter: Unwanted Guests with The Family.

Authors Note: Next chapter is where the fun, I guess that's how you call it, really begins. I'm not going to take my time with this story, but I'm not going to rush into things either. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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