Part 15 - Mine

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I kept my promise and didn't go back to work later. Downey had the guts to call me at 2:46pm. Of course I didn't answer. He must have wanted to know why I was late. Instead I called Karen and asked her if she was able to come by my house because I needed someone to talk to. She had work to do so I had to wait for her. While I was waiting I made a sandwich to eat. She finally arrived at 7 pm.

"Jen tell me what happened. You didn't sound so good earlier."
"That's because I'm not so good today. Remember my boss?"
"The hottie? Yes I do."
"Well he took me to his place after work yesterday for dinner. We ended having sex in his bed and almost in his shower today morning."
"I can't understand how this is not good. He is so hot. You should be more than happy."
"Yes I was until we went to work and he took my phone and texted a friend of mine that I don't like him and that I need him to leave me alone because my feelings are somewhere else. All of that because the poor guy asked me to go out."
"Jesus what a creep. But maybe he was just jealous."
"Jealous? Are you joking? We're not dating. I have the right to talk to whoever I want whenever I want. And I get to choose with who I'm going on a date."
"You're absolutely right. Let's forget about him. Did you try to talk with that guy and make things right?"
"I called him but he didn't answer and I sent him a text telling him that I wasn't the one saying these things but he didn't reply."
"Anyway, I'm staying over for the night. Let's talk about happy stuff."
"Like what?"
"I'm going on a date with David on Saturday!"
"Aw I'm so happy for you. You are so into him."
"I know he's just perfect."
Karen stayed at my house like she said and we had a great night.

The following morning Karen had to leave to go to work but I didn't. I can't go. He has made me so angry I think I'm going to kill him. He keeps trying to control my personal life and he does not have the right to. He pissed me off so much. Thank God it's Friday. I won't have to see him for 2 more days. I decided to sleep a bit more today and relax now that I'm not going to work. It was around 9 pm when I heard the doorbell. I was not expecting someone so I was surprised. I was almost sure it was Karen but I opened the door and I saw Downey. I tried to close the door on his face but he stoped it with his hand.

"What do you want Downey?" I aggressively asked him. He walked in and stood in front of me without speaking.

"Just tell me what you want and leave please." I said. He looked at me and he seemed like he was thinking of something.

"Look, Jennifer, I don't usually do this kind of stuff and I was thinking a lot about it before I came. I know you're mad at me and probably you have your reasons-"
"Stop with the details and say what you want to say."
"Okay. I came to tell you that I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have messed with your personal life but I just couldn't accept the fact that you would go out on a date with him."
"But why? Why is it so important to you if I go on a date with him? He is not your client anymore."
"It is important to me because I have feelings for you, Jennifer. Feelings that I never had before. I don't know how to explain it but when I'm with you I feel different. The night we slept together at my house was the best night of my life. I couldn't stand not seeing you at the office and thinking you were mad at me. Please forgive me Jennifer." he said and took my hand.

I was shocked. He seemed so different. He was not strict and arrogant like he usually is. He was sweet and hurt. Did he really mean what he said?

"I-I don't know what to say." I said
"Just tell me you're not mad at me and I'll leave if you want me to."
"Did you really mean what you said?"
"Every single word. I never had feelings like that before. I never thought I'd feel this way. Tell you feel the same way? Do you have any feelings for me? I swear I'll do anything to earn your trust and forgiveness."
His words brought tears to my eyes. Happy tears.
"Yes I do have feelings for you. I was attracted to you since the first day I met you. I never expected you to feel the same way." I said.

He lowered his head and pressed his lips against mine. This kiss was different than the others we had. It was slow and soft. I put my hands behing his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. When we pulled away he looked at me and smiled.
"So, now that everything is cleared are we a couple or something?"
"I thought you were not the relationship kind of guy." I said smiling.
"I was not but I can't resist you. So you wanna give it a try?"
"Yes, I'd love to."
We smile at each other and start kissing. I lean in close to his ear and whisper.
"My bedroom. Now."

We go to my bedroom and jump on the bed. He starts undressing me pulling down my pants and shirt and I do the same. We are only in our underwears. With his one hand he takes off my bra and I take off his boxers.
"We won't be needing this." he says pulling down my underwear and now we are both naked.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good baby." he whispers in my ear and enters me making me yell.
"Oh Robert" my moans were filling the room. His thrusts becoming faster and harder.
"Robert, I'm gonna cum."
"Cum for me baby." a couple of thrusts later I came all over him and he pulled out of me cumming on my stomach. He fell on top of me and kissed my lips.
"Whenever you're ready we go for round two." he said.

After a few more rounds we were both exhausted so we stayed there chatting. We spent the day at my house and because it got late we decided he could stay here. He wrapped his hands around me and cuddled me.

"Now you're mine and I'm yours. No more waiting. Goodnight Jennifer." he said and kissed my head.
"Goodnight Robert." I answered.

This was the best feeling in the world. His hands around me. If only we could stay like this forever. A couple minutes later we both fell asleep.

I wanna thank everyone who keeps voting and commenting on my parts❤ You are amazing guys!

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