-Chapter Two-

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Em's POV

I woke up on some random persons couch. "Good your'e awake. There's crisps on the table there." "What the hell! You kidnap me and bribe me to stay with crisps!" I yelled grabbing the bowl. "Why are you eating kidnapper crisps? They could be poisoned." He said looking up from his mac-book. "Good point!" I yelled throwing the crisps at him one by one. Every time I threw one I said 'pew'. I knew who he was but I just wanted to see what he would do. I licked one and threw it at him. "Ewww! Dan! I licked that one!" I said as he caught it in his mouth. "Uggh! Not cool!" He yelled running to the bathroom. I took this opportunity to look around. This flat looked exactly like mine and Rose's. Ehh maybe I'm just imagining things. I heard Dan brushing his teeth but somebody else talking. I walked down the hall to a door that was open. I peered around the corner and there was a guy talking to a camera. "Today's draw Phil naked is!" He said then turned off the camera. "Aren't you going to show the camera?" I asked. Obviously scaring him considering he jumped like twelve feet. "Who are you?" he asked obviously not caring. "I'm Emi." I said holding out my hand. "OK well I'll leave now." I said pulling my hand back and leaving his room. "Do you wan't me to shut the door?" "Whatever." "I'll shut the door." I said leaving. When I got into the lounge Dan was asleep, even though it's Nine in the morning. I guess I can look up my address on my phone. "No wonder this place looks so familiar!" I whisper-yelled to myself. I grabbed a random Sharpie and wrote my number on Dan's arm. After that I walked out the door and went across the hall. Of course I left my keys on the counter. I knocked on the door and yelled "ROSEEEEEE! I LEFT MY KEYS ON THE COUNTER LET ME IN!!!" 

Rose's POV

I was really worried about Emi. She's never been out this long before. "ROSEEEEEE! I LEFT MY KEYS ON THE COUNTER LET ME IN!!!" It was Emi "OH MY GOSH EMI!!!" I yelled grabbing her and smushing her. "Oww. Oww. Oww. Oww. OWW!" She yelled pushing me of her. "Sorry I missed you! You were gone for like EVER!" I yelled as she got a text. Her phone was on the floor from when I tackled her. "I got it!" I yelled crawling to it. "NO DON'T!" She yelled hurling herself at her phone. Sad thing is. I already got it and was reading the text. 

Unknown Number- Hey Emi, It's Dan. Sorry you had to make the trechourous trip home all by yourself! I would have walked you home but you kept me up all night! There's yelling in the hall so I'm gonna check it out. -Dan

" OH MAH GAWD YOU WERE AT A BOYS HOUSE!!!!" I yelled still holding her phone. Then the door across the hall opened. "Excuse me but its 10 in the morning can you not- Oh! Hi Emi!" He said walking over and sitting down. I'm Dan." He said holding his hand out. All I managed to do was scream and roll on the floor. Why am I such a fangirl!

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