Righteous Devil

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The group had found a cave and decided to rest for a while before continuing on to Las Noches. Ichigo had woken up a few times, but usually got knocked out again much like the snooze button on an alarm clock.

Grimmjow and Hichigo guarded the entrance to the cave while Esarosa slept by the fire. Neither wanted to look at the other, but lines needed to be drawn as far as Grimmjow was concerned. He broke the silence first: "Try to kiss her again, fledgling, and I'll rip you to shreads."

"Tch... Your arrogance amazes me. That decision isn't up to you. It's entirely up to her. It seems like she was trying to accomplish everything she did today in an effort to impress you, which makes it seem as though you were playing hard to get. Now, suddenly, you decide that you want her after I, a happy coincidence, show up? She wasn't worth anything to you until she realized that she didn't need to work so hard for someone to love her," Hichigo replied.

"You think you've got all the answers, don't you, fledgling? She can't afford to think that way here. It's kill or be killed, eat or be eaten. She needs someone that'll be strong enough to protect her and I'm the most qualified here."

"You don't give the lady enough credit. She doesn't need you from what I can tell. She survived long enough to reach a similar rank to your own."

"You think she's similar in rank to me? No, she's never even used her Resurreccion form. I doubt she's figured out how. That would barely make her a Fraccion as far as I'm concerned. I know how the other Vasto Lordes think and they will kill her if given the slightest provocation, so she'll need me. Not some newborn hollow that can't tell Hueco Mundo from the World of the Living."

"I would watch your tone, Blue. I don't think you know who you're talking to. It's true that I'm new here, but I can assure you that the only thing holding me back was the King back there. 'I need to protect my sanity' this and 'Oh, boohoo, I couldn't beat that one guy' that... If the fool had just let me come out to play and followed his instincts, he would've been fine. He needs my power to even begin to win half the nonsense he gets himself into."

"If you're so powerful like you say you are, why don't you shut up and prove it?"

"Come on then, Blue. Let's settle this," Hichigo smirked and reached for the white Zangetsu on his back. He gripped the hilt and pulled it off his back, the black material unfurling to reveal the large, white blade.

Esarosa stirred in her sleep from the rise in spiritual pressure near her. 'The guys can handle it... It feels like- SHIT!' She mentally kicked herself as she stood up and bolted angrily to the mouth of the cave.

"HICHIGO!!! Put the sword away!" She roared, freezing the men where they stood. "I don't understand what the hell is so difficult about not fighting each other. I'm beginning to think that you two would rather kill each other than finish the job."

They both averted their gaze from her, not wanting to say anything. It was quiet for a few moments, then Hichigo stepped forward and broke the silence: "I'm sorry. I didn't intend to wake you. Grimmjow wanted to test my strength and I only felt it polite to oblige."

Grimmjow rolled his eyes and scoffed, "He's worthless, Esarosa. We should kill him and the shinigami and just carry their heads to Aizen."

Esarosa glared at him, causing him to fall silent. "I say he's worth keeping alive and I'm fairly certain Aizen would want Kurosaki brought in alive," she responded, sternly. "Hichigo, come back inside with me. It can't have been an easy day for you being ripped out of someone. Grimmjow, you should fine out here for a while longer. I'll be back to join you shortly."

With that, she turned on her heel and walked back into the cave with Hichigo following close behind. He turned and flipped the finger at Grimmjow, who's face grew red with anger and jealousy. As he matched Esarosa's pace to walk next to her, he reached for her hand. She didn't stop him and entwined her fingers in his. She couldn't help but think, 'Grimmjow was never this kind or considerate with me... He flat out ignored me most of the time and now he's suddenly interested in my affection. Screw that overgrown house-cat!'

Hichigo noticed she had zoned out, but left her be as he sat down next to the fire. She stood there and thought for a moment. She didn't look like she was thinking angrily, though. Her features seemed to reflect those of someone who was strategizing.

"Grimmjow! I'm staying in here!" She shouted just loud enough to be heard. She turned and looked down at Hichigo, who was looking up at her but turned to look at the fire when their gazes met. His cheeks, she could have sworn, appeared flushed as though he were caught doing something foolish. "Hichigo?" She asked softly, but a little embarrassed, "Would you hold me tonight while we sleep? The fire only helps so much to keep warm."

He grabbed her hand gently and pulled her down to him as he laid down without giving it a second thought. She laid down facing the fire while he removed his kimono and used it to cover the two of them as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. He whispered in her ear, "Rest now, Lady LeBlanc... I'll be here when you wake. I promise to never leave you."

With those soothing words, she drifted off to sleep in his arms and he did the same as the feel of her body against his and the smell of her intoxicated his senses.

To be continued...

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