Chapter 4

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You got me shaking from the way you're talking
My heart is breaking but there's no use crying
What a cyanide surprise you have left for my eyes


Everyone was awake and trying to find Yugyeom and Taehyung. The twelves boys were in extreme panic and didn't give a fuck whether the other customers heard them. They just lost two of their friends, no, brothers in a strange town and it was dark outside.

Hoseok pulled BamBam along to the fifth floor and began looking around. The other Maknaes went into the lobby but were forbidden to go outside since Jaebum and Namjoon demanded it.

The only people that were allowed outside was Jaebum, Mark, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Seokjin. But Mark remained in the motel with them, trying to assist within. They tried calling but their calls would lead to voice mail.

"Yugyeom! Taehyung!"Jungkook shouted. Jimin opened a janitor's closet and sees nothing. The duo motioned Jackson to go to a different area.

Mark sat down. He was exhausted to say and morning was soon to come. The elder leaned against the wall and tried to take a few breath before searching once more. He turned his back but before he could leave the twelfth floor, he heard something creek.

'Was that me?'

Mark stepped on a certain part of the ground and heard nothing but when he fully turned, he thought he saw Jackson's white hair disappearing through the exit door. Shrugging, the blond haired boy went through and saw a figure of Jackson walking down.

"Jackson! Wait up!"Mark called out and began walking down, but the other male was completely deaf to his call. Sighing, the eldest hurried downwards, nearly tripping his way down. He doesn't know how fast Jackson was going but he sure was fast.

The blonde was panting so he took a minute to catch his breath. This time, Jackson stopped.  Seeing the moment to catch up, Mark called out the younger's name once more.


Somewhere on the fifth floor, Jungkook's group was walking down the hall, their limbs starting to give out on them. One member of the ravenette's group was somewhat feeling paranoid. He swore he just heard his name but could be the lack of sleep?

At that exact moment, Mark was practically flying down the stairs, calling out to the white haired male to slow down. Jimin paused and turned to look at their last member who was lost in deep thoughts.

The echo of Jackson's name was gone and it was irking also when that specific last member caught the smell of rotten eggs. He grimaced and walks forward, trying to push away  unnecessary thoughts.

"Jackson-Hyung, what's wrong with you?"Jungkook asked the last member who stared off into space.

The Chinese male jolted slightly as the other two Maknae touched his shoulder. His head instinctively went to the emerengy exit.

"I don't know . . .I thought I heard my name being called out just now."Jackson answered softly.

The two Maknae began to snicker and Jungkook sighed,"Hyung, this isn't some horror hotel. You should calm down watching American Horror Story. It's becoming bad for your health. You're already assuming there's what someone calling you?"

"Jungkook, I felt like someone was with us while we were walking and the name-calling part is making me so confused."

"Right, cause a ghost wants to interact with you Hyung."

"No, Kookie. I'm dead-"

"Right, dead serious. We should go before Jimin here gets more freaked out about your paranoid talking."

Jackson sighed and doesn't argue more. Following after the Maknaes, he peeks towards the emergency exit and sees someone standing there but he can't recognize the face because. . . .

Well, the long black was concealing the comportment.


Mark was completely exhausted and watched Jackson walked into the boiler's room.

"What the hell Jacks. What are you even fucking doing here? You make it sound like Yugyeom and Taehyung are here."Mark managed to say between his deep breaths.

Either way, the blond boy walks in and uses his phone as his flashlight. Again, he smells it.

Rotten eggs.

Groaning, the eldest would use the sleeves to cover his nose. He waved his phone light around to see every aspect of the hot, damp room. Suddenly, he catches another door. It says Storage. Blinking, he walks over and pulls at it.


His feet makes impact on something and he looks down to see two phones. One is slightly racked while the other one isn't. Bending down, he picks it up and widened his eyes. He recognizes the phones.

"Yugyeom? Taehyung?"Mark says into the dark, his voice laced with worries and anxiety. He stuffs the phone in his pocket and decides to text Jaebum and the others in the group chat that he found their phone in the boiler's room.

"What the fuck? No service?"Mark scoffs and stands up. Suddenly, the room temperature seem to drop and the smell of rotten eggs got stronger. The stench was annoying the blonde and he tries his best to cover his nose.

"Where the fuck are they?"

Unaware of the presence behind him, the eldest tries to find something to break through the glass window of the Storage room.

Mark, midst of finding an object was too off-guard to realize there was figure walking towards him.

And back in the lobby, you have our mischievous Maknaes. Youngjae and BamBam. They were behind the receptionist desk and we're trying to pick-pocket the door. BamBam was no success, so in the end, Youngjae was the only one who opened it.

"How'd you do that?"BamBam hissed at Youngjae and then at the cold wind that hit his warm face as the door widened.

"You learn a lot from your roommate."Youngjae answered, lifting his phone up to show the younger boy the man who aided him on opening the door. BamBam nodded and he got his phone out, using the flashlight.

As they stepped in, they felt like it was a different place.

And different feelings.

the question is
is Mark gonna die
or Taehyung and Yugyeom?

oh whale
so early to kill off

but I swear they'll be crack later on when it gets to the scarier part
this is just some weird creepy draft
Excuse any mistakes

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