Chapter 8

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In the hospital, Jaebum was freaking out to the point where his silence was a death aura. Whoever was besides him could probably die at the feeling.

"Jaebum! Jaebum-Hyung! JB!"

Everyone looked up and nearly cursed. The brunette stands and nearly loses balance as he sees Yugyeom.

Or what is of Yugyeom.

The leader rushes over and takes the tall boy into his arms and the others are calling frantically for doctors. He holds the maknae in his arms tightly and feels on the verge of tears as he looks down at the fragile boy.

Taehyung. Now Yugyeom.

Jaebum mutters countless apologies and Namjoon comes from behind, hugging the other leader to calm him down. He can feel the same torment and he's trying to be strong for the others. The doctors took Yugyeom away hastily and silence fell on them all.

More than four people are stained with their own brother's blood and it felt to sicken. But that disgust turned to anger that can set them all on a dark path. Who could do such a thing to two innocent boys?


Those who were stained with blood eventually showered and changed. The others stayed there, just in case the boys woke up. After cleaning up, the twelve boys were sleeping or sitting near Taehyung and Yugyeom room.

Jinyoung was leaning on Namjoon's shoulder and had Jungkook lying on both their lap. Jaebum had Youngjae and Mark leaning on him for support. The rest were sleeping on the chairs singularly. But Jaebum couldn't sleep. Not with his mind harassed with images of the maknaes all bloody.

"Excuse me. . .Are you all here for Kim Taehyung and Kim Yugyeom?"

Every head popped up and the doctor flinched at how twelves boys reacted to those two names. Namjoon and Jaebum walked up to the doctor, wild concern on their demeanor.

"Yeah. We all are."

"Well, unless any of you boys are his family—"

"We're his only family. . ."Namjoon cuts in, sensing the impatience of the other leader. The doctor beckons them and pushes back a white curtain that separated Yugyeom and Taehyung. Both boys were slightly awake.

"Tae! Yug!"Jungkook croaks out due to his crying last night. Seokjin and Jackson helped Yugyeom sit up while Yoongi and Jimin helped Taehyung who thanked them hoarsely.

Jaebum stood behind them with Namjoon. Both leaders felt relief washed them over. The duo leader hugged one another and they were able to rest well now, knowing their little brothers were safe. And alive.

"Are you guys ok? What happened? Why didn't you guys tell us where you left? You gave us a heart attack!"Jinyoung blurted and was close to tearing up again. Taehyung gave the other male a faint smile and Yugyeom gave him one also.

"Hyung, we're fine now. . .We just—"Yugyeom stops as he sees one specific person. Taehyung's eyes widened and everyone slowly fathoms the change of emotions.

Their quizzical eyes searches the white hospital room for anyone else besides them but doesn't see anyone. Youngjae walks up to Yugyeom and the young brunette takes notice how the maknae was trembling badly.

Mark walked up to Taehyung and sees what Youngjae sees. Terrible shaking.

"V. Yug. What's wrong?"Mark inquires softly.

"W-why is he here?"Taehyung whispers, fear evident in his eyes and words.

"Who's here? It's just us fourteen guys."Jackson spoke up, his eyes narrowing.

"Yah, Taehyung, this is no time for games. What are you taking about? The doctors just left and its only us."Jimin adds and crosses his arms as Yugyeom shares the identical expression as the boy on the bed.

"I'm asking why you brought him here."Yugyeom whispers, tears falling down his eyes and he clutches tightly on Hoseok, nearly whimpering. Namjoon walks between the two bed and turns to face the group.

"Who's he?"Namjoon queried and tries to comprehend the maknaes misunderstanding or something.

"Him."Both boys whispered.

The figure walked forward and both boys scooted back. The fear was so unbelievable factual that the others are thinking they weren't acting but Taehyung was well known for being the group's clown along with Jackson.

Namjoon follows their line of perspective and finally apprehends who.

He knows who it was.

As the figure inches closer, Taehyung and Yugyeom says it at the same time that shakes up the whole group. But as they said the name, everyone backs away and feels shivers run down their spine.

"Why is Jaebum-Hyung here?"

• — • • — • • — •
So Nolan asked for an update, took me awhile yikes
Plus I was multitasking + I wanted to kill off one person but shit not yet 👀

hmm, I wonder what's happening now

I need a Thai translator bc I need to know the lyrics to this song pls

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