Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Kim hesitated before walking timidly over to the other sofa, and perched herself self-consciously on the sofa.

"I don't know... I've only ever done it properly twice." She said. I could tell that she was very self aware- she didn't like being put on the spot.

"How about we watch a film instead?" I said, trying to change the subject. Kim mouthed a thank you at me. I gave her a warm smile.

"Oh yeah! Have you got Bridesmaids?" Libby said, walking over to the TV. She knelt down and began rummaging through our DVD selection. I rolled my eyes, but secretly, I was ecstatic. Nothin mg bad was happening now. Sure, Elios would probably come back, but I knew that we would be ready.

Libby removed the pink DVD case, and put the film in. We all sat on the larger sofa and began watching, but I was more consumed with my happy thoughts. Cam was safe. Libby was safe. Kim was safe. And I had superpowers, which was pretty cool. Everything was okay.

I heard a key unlock the door, and turned to see my mother walk in with a confused look on her face.

"Why do we have a different door?"

_________• THE END _______

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