Something is going wrong

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Wheeljack wondered about Ratchets enthusiasm at fighting. The medic's mood changed as quickly as he started to attack the Vehicons around them. But his mood didn't change into something grumpy like always. No, now he was one with his swords. Wheeljack grinned before he also started to cut his opponents into pieces, satisfied by the look of energon covering the floor. The wrecker and the medic fought side by side, trying to protect each other. After killing them Ratchet realised too late that there was just one more Con hiding. Only a few seconds later his shot hit the medic near his spark. The white-red Bot got to the ground holding his wound as he coughed up some Energon. Shortly after Wheeljack spotted the enemy and stabbed his one sword through the Con's chest.
"Phew", he said and looked around for Ratchet to make sure he was safe. But when his view reached the medic he gasped in concern.
"Ratchet!" Wheeljack didn't hesitate and ran to his teammate, kneeling down beside him. He saw the medic's wound which was leaking energon quite fast. "Scrap."
"Wheeljack...", Ratchet tried to speak and coughed silently.
"Stop. Don't talk. You need all your strength to stay alive... okay?" The wrecker carried his teammate to his broken ship 'cause he couldn't reach the base for a bridge to come back as the comlink didn't work.
Wheeljack sighed. He slowly started to regret his idea he had. His look laid on Ratchet, trying no to open his wound more than it already was.
"Oh Doc... I'm so sorry for my dumb idea...", Wheeljack said in such a quiet tone that Ratchet barely could hear it. The medic looked up to the wrecker and smiled weakly, still trying to close his wound with his servo.
"No, it wasn't your fault at all. Maybe it was your idea but I didn't need to join it...You didn't force me.."
"Haha, yeah, that's right..", Wheeljack laughed looking at Ratchet before shutting up. "We need to fix you right now, you lost too much of your energon. Your systems will slow down and you will go offline... maybe forever..." He shook his head and took a deep breath. "Okay let's start." These were his last words before he examined the medic's injury....

"Where, in Primus name, are they!?"
"Whoa, calm down, Arcee", Jack said quite surprised about the femme's reaction. "Missions with Wheeljack aren't that short, I thought you know that." He laughed.
"That's not funny, Jack. Even though Ratchet is the only medic at the base. If we lose him... I don't want to know what will happen without his knowledge."
"Okay, okay, you're right."
"Are you suspicious?"
"Suspicious? What do you mean?" Arcee looked down confused to the teenager, not knowing what he wanted to say.
"Whenever Wheeljack's here your mood is changing into something like »Piss off«."
"No, that's not true. Whatever. We need to check their conditions, I want to be sure that they are safe. And also they haven't called for a bridge since a while...." Arcee crossed her arms concerned.
"C'mon...", Jack smiled. "You wasn't so concerned for a long time. No worries. I think Wheeljack will take good care of Ratchet-"

Ratchet fell asleep whilst Wheeljack was checking up his wounds. The one next to Ratchet's spark was quite big - the wrecker slowly started being scared of losing his teammate.
"Ratchet?", he asked quietly but the medic didn't answer. Wheeljack examined Ratchet's breath to be sure he was still with him. The medic's breath was slow and deep.
Wheeljack looked shortly at his ship before his view wandered back to his teammate.
He'll survive. He must survive, the wrecker thought inside standing up and tried again to call the base for a ground bridge.
C'mon... C'mon.... why aren't they answering?! Wheeljack started to pace up and down to forget his impatience. He cursed himself for getting in such trouble although he never thought Ratchet would ever join his idea.

"Okay, it's enough right now. I go and check them up." Arcee was full of determination, sure that something must have happened.
"Don't overreact, okay?", Jack replied sceptical. "Why so impatient?"
"I am not IMPATIENT!"
"You are. Even though you're shouting right now, means you're PRETTY impatient", Jack teased her.
"...Whatever. I'm going now!", Arcee said and went through the bridge to Ratchet's and Wheeljack's coordinates.
"I hope they're fine....", Jack sighed disappointed.

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