The Sparkling

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It took actual 48 hours for Ratchet to recover while Wheeljack was sitting next to him every minute, carrying for their little child. He wondered that Skydive was having smol wings on her back although both parents didn't.
"You're something special, do you know that?", the wrecker smiled warmly at his little girl, who was laying awake in his arms. The giggle coming from her was warming his spark as he was softly tickling her. He immediately stopped as he heard a groan coming from Ratchet also Sky shut up and watched her mom waking up in silence.
"Ratchet? How...How do you feel?", Wheeljack questioned quietly and reached for his hand, gently taking it.
"Ugh...Wheeljack? Where am I?"
"Shhhh~ You're in your room. You just gave birth two days ago, dear."
"Two days?! Have I been sleeping that long?"
"No worries, it's the result of the strenuous childbirth. But I see that you're fine now", the soldier smiled and helped him to sit up. "Do you wanna hold her?"
"Indeed, it's a little girl. A special little one." With that the wrecker carefully gave Ratchet their daughter, who was giggling joyfully again.
"So you are Skydive, heh? I couldn't wish myself a better family than you two", the medic said with a soft voice and give both a kiss on their forehead as someone knocked on the door.
"I bet it's TryOut. He told me that he wanted to check on us." Wheeljack opened the door and saw a white and green Bot in front of him.
"How's the little family doing?~", TryOut wanted to know and peeked in, seeing Ratchet awake.
"We're all fine. Ratchet finally woke up. Everyone is all healthy."
"That's what I wanted to hear. May I come in?"
"Sure. I don't bite", Wheeljack snickered amused and let TryOut pass.

After some talk between TryOut and Ratchet, Wheeljack decided to check on his teammates which he hadn't seen in days. The first one he saw was his wrecker pal Bulkhead.
"Jackie! Long time no see, eh?", Bulk said happily and pulled his friend into a tight hug, lifting him from the ground.
"Bulk, heh, calm", Wheeljack laughed and tried to escape his tight hug somehow. "Watch my metal, pal-"
"Oh sorry, my bad~" The greenish wrecker let down his friend carefully. "How's Ratchet doing?"
"He just woke up", Wheeljack stated smiling.
"Did he?", Arcee suddenly asked to be sure.
"Oh hey Arcee. Yes, he did. It took him long enough."
"Can...Can I see your child?" The femme blushed a little at the question.
"Don't be shy, dear, Ratchet will bring her around."
"Yes, it's a little femme", Wheeljack chuckled. "It was time for more females."
Just a second later Ratchet came in, the little girl in his arms, followed by his old medic friend TryOut.
"See, there they are~", Wheeljack answered and motioned with his head to his mate's direction. As soon as Ratchet entered the hangar everyone was walking over to them, even Optimus himself.
"Look how small she is", Arcee mentioned in amazement and smiled widely as Skydive reached a hand for her. The adult femme was holding her hand towards her as Sky grabbed her fingers with a quiet giggle.
"Good job, Jackie", Bulk said and laid a hand on his pal's shoulder with a slight grin.
Wheeljack couldn't resist and blushed at the comment. "T-Thanks...I guess-"
"What's her name?", Optimus asked kind of curious as he watched the little sparkling in Ratchet's arms.
"Skydive", Ratchet and Wheeljack said in sync and chuckled at each other.
"She's a special little girl. She has wings on her back."
"She could be a seeker", Smokescreen guessed and smiled at the sight.
"Maybe she will be when she's older", Ratchet chuckled and held his daughter securely.
"Congrats, Jackie", Navy congratulated her half-brother with a tight hug from behind. "She's a real beauty and I'm happy to see another flyer around here."
"When she's old enough you can be her teacher, Navy", Wheeljack offered  and smiled as it got accepted by her.
"Of course I will! It would be an honour."

Just some minutes later, after everyone had congratulated them, everyone went silent as Skydive had fallen asleep in Ratchet's arms while holding Arcee's digits, all curled up.
"Sleepy girl, eh?", Smokescreen snickered and watched the scene.
"She got it from me", Wheeljack confessed and rubbed the back of his helm embarrassed. "Also she's young, she needs some sleep."
"If you don't mind we go back to rest a little." Ratchet kept his voice down to not wake their little daughter before he made his way back to his accommodation, holding Sky close to his chest as he got stopped by the Prime himself.
"Yes, Optimus?"
"Please be safe, old friend. And rest."
"I will. You can trust me." With that Ratchet disappeared in his room.

Author's Note:
I'm sorry for taking so long but I'm in 12th grade of school and in May my final exams will start. So enjoy this short chapter

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