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The days passed and Ratchet started to feel better every day since he still has been a little tired from the strenuous birth. Skydive was the whole pride of both dads, she was a clever little girl who was learning fast in her first days. Wheeljack couldn't resist but smile at his little family, it was warming his spark seeing his mate and his small daughter, so now he did too.
"Now go to daddy, Sky", Ratchet spoke in a soft voice as he smiled, holding his sparkling close. Skydive's servos let go of Ratchet's, struggling to hold her balance before she started waddling over to Wheeljack with a cute giggle who was two meters away from Ratchet. Shortly before she reached him she stumbled over her feet and fell directly into the wrecker's arms with a small gasp.
"There, there, little one. You're doing great, my dear." Wheeljack smiled widely at her, a bright smile was covering Skydive's face when she heard her father praising her.
"Daddy", she said and grabbed for the wrecker's cheekplates with her innocent warm smile.
Ratchet snickered amused and watched them.
"She's learning fast", he stated, but in a good way. "We have to keep an eye on her before she starts running around and finds interest in breaking stuff just like Bulkhead."
"He's just a bit clumsy, that's all. He's not doing it on purpose", Wheeljack chuckled as he defended his green wrecker pal while he picked up Skydive.
"I know I'm just saying." A small laugh left Ratchet.

But both didn't know that Laserbeak, the little assistant of Soundwave, was still spying on them, transferring everything he saw to the Nemesis.

Soundwave who was busy watching the new data he was receiving from his "pet", decided to inform his leader about the news.
Just a few seconds later Megatron, his second in command and his doc were beside Soundwave, watching the parents and their sparkling.
"I didn't know that males are able to get pregnant-", Starscream mentioned and raised an optic ridge as he crossed his arms.
Knockout just smirked. "Oh it is possible even if it is very seldom, dearie. You should refresh your system."
"Don't tell me what to do. I don't need to know about medic stuff. That's your job", Starscream huffed offended and ignored him.
"Quiet now", Megatron growled with his dark voice, watching the Autobots.
Suddenly Soundwave pointed at Skydive.
"Yeah, that's their daughter", Starscream said not very impressed, also not understanding what Soundwave wanted since he always kept quiet. But the communication expert seemed to point on something more significant.
"Yes, she is, dummy. But did you notice her wings? She's a flyer even if her parents aren't", Knockout replied, having a light smirk signing his face.
"We surely are in need of good seekers, she could solve our little problem." Megatron's intention was clear. He wanted to use Skydive for his own good and train her.
"But...isn't that a little cruel?", Starscream asked with his arms crossed.
Megatron, Knockout, yeah even Soundwave were turning to him, giving him a bruh-face. "What? If I was a parent I-"
"Since when are you so sentimental?", Knockout wanted to know amused and raised an optic ridge at him.
"Shut up, Starscream, and go to help out Shockwave", his leader ordered annoyed while he was already planning on how to get the little sparkling.
"Yes, my lord-", the second in command said quietly and disappeared quickly to avoid any escalation.
"She's young, I might be able to erase her memory from so far she lived on. Won't be a problem for me." This offer was made by the Decepticon medic himself as he kept his optics on the little girl on the screen.
"Good. Would be useful." Megatron just grinned and left him alone with Soundwave, getting Airachnid and Dreadwing ready for their new mission.

"Daddy!", Skydive yelled happily as she waddled to the door of the room, wanting to see more.
"I saw that coming", Ratchet frowned and then chuckled at his little daughter.
"Y'know, sparklings are curious and so is our lil gurl, she's just like me", Wheeljack said smiling and walked to Skydive opening the door for her. "Don't worry, Sunshine. I'll keep an eye on her."
Skydive didn't hesitate and nearly ran down the hallway straight to the main hangar where all the other Autobots used to be. She smiled brightly at all the new faces she was seeing, waddling to Smokescreen who was the nearest of all Bots. During that she stumbled over feet again and fell but it didn't stop her as she got up by herself. Wheeljack stayed close, chuckling about her determination of exploring the main hangar. Skydive huggled Smokescreen's leg happily who was slightly surprised seeing her.
"Hey there, little girl", the blue and yellow coloured soldier snickered as he knelt down to her.
"She's learning fast, I see", Arcee stated with a smile next to Wheeljack, watching the sparkling.
"Yes. I couldn't be any more proud about my family", the wrecker confessed. "I just hope something like the Con attack won't happen again anytime soon."
"I don't think this going to happen this quick." Arcee's voice showed slight concern.
"Yeah...but I don't feel safe yet", Wheeljack added. "I'm feeling watched."

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