Shootouts and helicopters.

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My brother and I always played outside so it was nothing new if we stayed out late. When I was about six on Halloween night and my brother was Michael Myers, and I was blues clues. It was around 9 or 10 at night and we were on our way home from trick or treating pillow cases in hand. We heard people in front of us yelling. Nothing new. They were fighting which was also normal. 'Someone was going to die,'I thought in my head. As a six year old I had very very morbid thoughts I'll add. We heard a gun shot. My first instinct is to duck on the ground so I did . My brother behind me did right in time. The bullet grazed his head and flew past. We heard one more after that and the body fell on the ground, judging by the 'thump' sound . I crawled behind the nearest car as my brother followed. I looked out and saw my first dead body. After my brother gives me a signal we run home. When we got home my brother checked my candy, and I started eating. We opened the blinds so we can look outside waiting for our mother. We hear more gun shots shortly after and lay in the floor. We hear helicopters and see a bright light shine in our window we stay on the floor pretending no one is home. The bright light stays in our tiny two bedroom for a while moving to look around. After what seemed like forever the light left. And we got up closed the blinds, turned off the lights, and went to bed.

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