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"Just tell me to stay and I will Lauren." Camila told me grasping onto my neck. I looked into my loves brown eyes as she looked into my green eyes. We were in the middle the airport and Camila's plane was about to take off.

I held onto her for the last time before she left. "I can't." I told her with tears coming down my cheeks. She shook her head, "Yes you can Lauren, you can't do this. I don't want to leave you." Camila cried. I looked down feeling my heart pound in my chest. I didn't want to do this but I had to.

"Camila listen to me," I said holding her hips, she looked into my eyes with tears falling down her red cheeks.

"You're gonna get on that plane and you're gonna forget about me okay. You're gonna work your ass off and you're gonna be a big star on Broadway." I told her, I was trying to hold back the tears, but looking at her cry I couldn't.

"No Lauren." Camila shook her head, we both were a crying mess. I couldn't do it. I pulled her in my arms and held her.

I opened my eye seeing my bedroom. "It was just a dream." I told myself. I couldn't go back to sleep now. How could I?

Later on today I'm supposed to take my girlfriend to the airport. Camila and I have been together for two years. We met freshmen year but started to date sophomore year.

Camila and I are very different, she wants to become a star and sing. All I want to do is become a singer.

Camila wants to go to college, college isn't really for me.

Camilas got in this elite college, her parents are super proud of her. And I am too. It just sucks cause I'm not gonna be with her.

Camila doesn't know I'm not going with her. She thinks I'm going on the plane with her, but I only told her that because her father gave me the talk.

"Listen Lauren... Camila doesn't need distractions when she's in college. She needs to focus on her dream. Lately she's been talking about not even going to college.

One day she's gonna wake up one morning and think she's made the biggest mistake of her life.

I know you both love each other, but you need to let her go. For her sake, please Lauren." Alex, Camila father told me.

I wanted Camila to be successful but I want to be with her. I need to listen to him, he is her father.
End of Flashback

I got up in the middle of the night, out on my shoes and jumped out my window. I already had a T-shirt and shorts on. I got in my white truck and drove to Camila's house.

I didn't know what to do, I needed to break up with her sometime today might as well be now.

I got out of my truck and saw Camila's window, I got some pebbles and started to throw them making them hit her window.

She was a very light sleeper, so when I threw the first pebble to her window her light turned on.

She went to her window and smiled when she saw me. "Lets go." I told her, she smiled.
I drove to some random field, we didn't say anything to each other the whole way. When I parked my truck I stared at her.

"Lauren." Camila said not looking at me. "Yeah, Camz."

"What do you see in the future?" I looked at her but she just kept staring at the field.

"I don't know." I lied. I saw her, us, together. But I know that can't happen. I don't have the money to go with her and if I do go with her what should I do.

"What do you see?" I asked reaching for her hand but she moved it and held both of her hands.

I found that a little strange but I didn't want to bring it up.

" Becoming a big star, singing on Broadway, with the love of my life right beside me." Camila said with passion in her voice.

She looked at me and smiled. I looked away trying to focus. "Camz look I can't do this." I said, she looked at me and tried to reach for my hands, before I could move them she grabbed them.

"What do you mean?" Camila asked me, I looked into her eyes and I couldn't do it.

I needed to, but how could I? I love her and want to be with her... but I know if she's with me she won't become a big star she has always wanted to be.

"I'm not going with you. I'm staying here." I told her, she looked worried.

"Then I'm not going either." I shook my head, "No, you're going and you're going to be a big star." I told her.

Camila started to tear up, "Why didn't you just tell me you weren't going in the first place?"

"Because I thought I was but I changed my mind, I love you Camz I still do, but you're gonna move on and forget about me." I told her, she was still holding onto my hands.

"I will never forget about you." Camila said as she leaned forward to kiss my lips.

We closed our eyes saving this moment.

I pulled away feeling her tears on my face. "I love you." Camila told me letting go of my hands.

"I love you too." I said softly gripping the steering wheel.

Authors note
I hope you like this new story its a little different from all my other stories it's out of high school and the next chapter will be after college just so you know
Love you guys

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