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Driving back to the hotel I'm staying at I couldn't stop thinking about the song I wanted to write.

Music was always in my life when I was little. My dad and mom would sing every morning while making breakfast.

There would always be music playing in our house. I grew to love music as well. Chris and Taylor were never the ones to grasp the concept of music, they liked listening to it, but it never made them think like it made my parents and I think.

When I met Camila we instantly became friends because we both loved music. I soon fell in love with her because of the passion that came out of her mouth about music.

Hearing a car honk at me got my attention, I drove off seeing the green light.
I heard Normani when I got to our hotel room. She was talking on the phone with someone.

I just went on my bed and I dialed Camila's number. I honestly don't know what to say, I just told her I'll call later.

Back in high school we would be on the phone every night. We would stay up for hours just talking on the phone.

"Hey." I heard softly, I smiled sitting back on my bed.

"Hey, did I wake you?" I wondered since she was speaking softly and she sounded tired.

"Not at all, it's just I'm in bed with Shawn, I don't want to wake him up." Those words made me feel sick, she's in bed with him.

He's probably holding her, just like I would do. When I didn't say anything Camila spoke again, "I really enjoy tonight with you."

How could that make me smile when I'm feeling so sad. My smile grew bigger when she continued talking.

"Maybe we could do it again just the two of us." She suggested.

"That would be great." I said smiling.

"I have to go, but if you want to hang out school ends at 3. We can grab coffee or something." Camila told me.

I didn't want her to go so soon. "Yeah I would like that." I said a little disappointed.

"Goodnight Laur." Camila softly said before hanging up, before I could say anything.

I put my phone on the night stand next to my bed and sat up. Still hearing Normani on the phone giggling I got concerned.

She would've wanted to know all about my group hang. "She's pregnant!" I yelled trying to get Normani's attention.

It worked not even a few seconds later Normani sprinted to my bed. Her phone in her other hand. "I gotta go, I'll text you." Normani said to her phone before hanging up.

I smiled seeing Normani look so invested in me now.

"Was that Dylan?" I asked but Normani just laughed shaking her head.

"Never, they cocky asshole left once he found out I'm not famous." I frowned, "I didn't think he was like that."

"But it worked out perfectly, I met Dinah, the waitress." Normani told me. "You're gay?" I asked not knowing Normani was into girls.

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