Annoying nurses and jeff

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OMG PEOPLE LIKE OH MY GOSH!  I am going to start updating on Wednesday and Saturday! I don't have an excuse for not updating I was just lazy and stuff :3 I sowwy! ANYWAYS HERE'S CHAPTER 2... Or 3 idk


Jeff's p.o.v

I just took Taylor to the hospital. after that I ran home not looking back. I know I know. YOU DIDN'T STAY? YOU ASSHOLE! But it was dangerous for me to even take her there in the first place, I just... can't get her off my mind. I want to keep her safe and I'm doing really stupid stuff because of that. I have to get away but I can't leave Taylor. UGH! I'm so tired I can't even function right! I walked into my house and looked around.... ITS DIRTY AS SHIT IN HERE!!!!! WHO DID THIS?! wait.... I did. you know what... sleep that's what I need. sleep. I sat on the couch and drifted off into a deep slumber full of darkness and terror.


I walked into the forest and froze. I saw Taylor in slendermans tenticals and dropped to my knees. THAT SON OF A BITCH!

" Jeffrey" said a dark feminine voice that sent chills down my body. Jane. " Jeffrey I have your darling Taylor here. she really is a prize. it would be a shame if she just" she pulled out a knife and held it to Taylor's throat. " vanished" she said as she sliced Taylor's throat. I let out a blood curdling scream (is that the right word?) "JANE IM GONNA KILL YOU!" I screamed as I pulled out my knife and lunged at her. she disappeared right before I was about to kill her. " oh Jeffy, your little lover Taylor is in some trouble . you might want to save her before something terrible happens to her." I heard slender say. I turned around to see Taylor in his tenticals. in the same position as last time. all of the sudden I noticed slenders tenticals constricting around her like a boa constrictor. as Taylor's face started to go blue I was already running up to the faceless freak. but right before I got up to them. he ripped her in half. her blood splattering all over her clothes and slender and me. u was covere in her blood. I screamed and started pulling at my hair. "SLENDER YOU SON OF A BITCH IM GOING TO MAKE YOU SUFFER!" I yelled


I was woken up by someone shaking me. I was covered in sweat. I grabbed my knife about to stab the thing that woke me before I realized it was Sally. her brown curls every wear as always. and her face pale. as if she'd seen a ghost. "Sally what's wrong?"


I woke up in the hospital. the memories of last night flooding back in my memory. I instantly got a head ache. Only one question stayed in my head repeating over and over. who brought me here? Was it jJeff was he the one that saved my life? Ill ask him next time I see him. will I ever see him? as I asked my self that question a nurse with blonde hair and way to much red lipstick on walked in my room and smiled. " hi sweety! how are you feeling? listen we hear what happened, and I'm sorry no one should 'ver have to deal with an abusive parent. but since your 17 we will have to send you to live with someone else in your family. what about your dad?" " he um passed away." I mumbled. " oh, well I'm sorry to hear that. What about your aunt?" " she lives In napa California. I visit her every once in a while." " ok well we'll call her and see if shell take care of you" she said " now ill be back in a few minuets."as soon as she left I heard tapping against my window again. Jeff.

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