Chapter 4

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            Pahakuma was just as small as Yagil. It was just a cold as Yagil. It was just like Yagil just looked a little different. The town had a small village and every villager seemed so happy and content with their simple lives.  Children chased the carriage when they saw us pass. Their mothers stopped their work and waved. The men just stared with their hands on their backs and a content smile on their face.  

            We rolled into the castle’s entrance which was a simple road decorated with its garden of tall pine trees and small bushes and shrubs. There were a few small flowers scattered around the grounds. I saw the king come out to greet us he was just as happy as the villagers. He had a skip in his step. When Father stepped out of the carriage he shook his hand with a smile of unconditional happiness. He took my hand to greet me. “Welcome, I’m King Darrel, we are so excited you are here."  His voice was calm, contradictory to my first impression. He took a minuet to talk to each of us for a minuet while he greeted us.

            “I have a festival tomorrow. I would like all of you to be the guests of honor. I have a feast prepared for tonight. Please settle in your rooms, freshen up and join me. I hope you enjoy your stay.” This small castle had humble delicacies. They didn’t have much silver or tapestries but there were flowers in my room that were simply gorgeous. The pitcher of water in my room had simple decorations but the water and the cloths were nice and warm. I had an hour to clean up and rest before the banquet. I washed my face so that took about two minutes and for the rest of the time I slept. Mother came in my room to wake me up. We had ten minutes to get to the ball room. I was still in a simple dress Mother pulled out a pretty pink dress and told me to get dressed. I wanted to retreat back in the sheets and sleep for another hour. Mother literally pulled me out of bed, by my ankle.  

            The banquet hall was nicely decorated. There was simple fabrics draped around the room. It was easy to see how much effort was put in to our arrival. I was greeted by a little girl with a bouquet of flowers she put some small flowers in my hair. The little girl was cute and skipped around admiring her flowers.  King Darrel came across the room just to greet me. He invited me to sit to the chair to his right. He stood lifting his gullet.

            “Now that our guests have arrived let the feast begin!” There was a whole pig and three chickens roasted beautifully. “Kinga, how are your travels going so far?”

            “Well, although I do enjoy visiting other kingdoms, I am tired and my muscles are sore. I prefer traveling by ship.” He almost laughed at me.

            “Where are you most excited about going?”

            “I would like to visit Aaid. I don’t know if I would like the snow most of the year. I think it will just be interesting because they are secluded. It’ll be exciting I guess.” I blushed with excitement.

            “It is quite beautiful. I remember when I went there for the first time. I saw reindeer in the snow it was breath taking. The castle has decorated dragon eggs those are amazing too.  I can’t wait for your presentation tomorrow.”

            “Me too, everyone that sees it, is surprised. I like to show people that girls can fight too.”

            “I am not surprised, the first time I saw you I knew you would be a great warrior. You are carry yourself as a strong person, like your father.” King Darrel asked me to dance and everyone joined us soon after.  After the first dance I danced with Elias. It was a dance one where the moves were simple and slow.

            “King Darrel adores you. I think he wishes he had a daughter.” We laughed. “How much do you adore Adarsh?” He sighed. “Do you love him? Are you going to marry him?”

            “You seem upset. Why are you asking these questions?” I was taken back by him.

            “Adarsh is mean. He just won’t do it around you or your parents.”


            “He hits me.  He makes these comments that suggest I am a woman. He is just not nice.”

            “I had a feeling. I will talk to him.”

            “If you do he will just harass me more.” I sighed. I was just thinking how everything that could give me stress, is.

            “I don’t know what to do, but I will do something.”

            “Father!” He turned around while he was tending to the horses making sure they had good care.

            “Good morning Kinga! How did you sleep!”

            “We need to talk.” He was surprised at my attitude. “Tell me everything you know about Adarsh.” He looked puzzled.

            “Um he is your fiancé, he is a kings knight from Hachi before it was attacked. That’s about it.”

            “I was watching you when we were traveling and stopped to rest.  You were studying him intensely. You know something about him.”

            “I don’t know why you are thinking there is something about him.”

            “When I first met him he seemed like a person who could lead but understand the kind of person I am. Now I think he agrees with king Fract that I shouldn’t be in a position of power because I am a girl, and he is being mean to Elias. I feel like there has to be a reason for him to act like this. He is so reserved I feel like he has a secret.”

            “If you don’t want to marry him all you have to do is say so.”

            “Just tell me if you know anything about him that I should know.” Father was deep in thought.

            “I don’t know how to tell you this but…”


Heads up the next one is juicy! I can't wait for you to read it!

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