So What's Been Going On? (A/N)

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Hello my wonderful readers, friends, and other clients. As you might know, it has been a hell of a long time since I've updated The Silencing. Which is disappointing to many people, including myself. This chapter is here to just clear some stuff up for ya'll who have been with this book since the beginning. 

As of sometime around last March or April, I haven't been able to update this book. Just to make this clear, this is not because I don't know what is going to happen next. I have a very clear idea of what the plot and conclusion of this book is, and I'm very determined to let the complete plot see the light of day. We are not even close to the end of this book, and I want everyone to see the end.

However, there have been some recent complications to getting it out there.

First of all, each chapter of this book so far has had the average word count of 5000. Some of the larger chapters have went past 7000 words. (My largest chapter has been Blood and Betrayal, which as of right now is 9300 words long.) And I love that! I love writing, and obviously most of ya'll enjoy my writing. But it takes a long time to write so much, so I have to ask ya'll to be patient with updates. I'm going into high school next year, and there's been a lot of changes and opportunities offered to me that I've had to focus on. 

But the main reason I haven't updated has simply been because I went through a deep stage of writer burnout. This isn't the same as having a writer or artist block. Burnout is the feeling of doing something so much to the point where it makes you unmotivated just thinking about it. I have poured a lot of time into this, and last year a lot of changes happened to me that I won't get into. So going back to this felt like a chore and that's not what I wanted it to be. I wanted my writing to sound like a loved doing it, not that it was a chore. So I left this account alone for awhile.

For a short while, I even left the Hetalia fandom alone. I went fandom hopping around to things like Hamilton, Heathers: the Musical, KnT,  various other shows, and Eddsworld. (I'm still a major fan of all of these btw, especially Eddsworld.) I even made a shitpost account on Wattpad just so I could disconnect myself and start over. 

But after a bit of posting there, I realized I was inspired to write again. I missed getting all the feedback and enjoyment from this account. This book has 3k+ reads, for goodness sake! That's crazy! And my other book has over 22k reads. I'm so happy so many people like what I'm doing. 

So, to recap.

I am going to finish this book. But expect slow updates for awhile till Summer.

The thing that motivates me most is feedback from ya'll, so don't be afraid to comment even if it's negative.

I'm sorry it's taken me this long to get back into writing, but I thank all of you for being so patient with me. 

I hope to see all of you in the nest update!

With love, 

The DB Inc. 

P.S, special shoutout to @Hetaliawesomefromig for always being there for me, and making a ton of fabulous covers for me! Check out their fabulous face if you haven't already. 



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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