Chapter 21: Day 4

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I'm basically just trying to get through this arc now, I'm considering doing a time skip, idk yet.

Natsumi POV:
Today the Grand Magic Games began with the event, Naval Battle, the participant of each team is to enter a large water sphere, and try to push the other people out. The game begins and Lucy starts off by summoning Aquarius. However, Juvia manages to counter Aquarius's attack with Water Cyclone. Jenny manages to literally kick Rocker out of the sphere, eliminating Quatro Puppy. Aquarius then disappears on Lucy claiming that she had to get back to 'her man', giving Juvia the opportunity to propel Lucy out. Lucy manages to summon Virgo and Aries, just in time to stop her from falling out of the sphere. Juvia then unleashes a powerful attack which expels all the remaining players from the sphere, except for Lucy and Minerva. Juvia then looks at Gray to see what he thought of the attack but is shocked when he appears appalled considering she named it after him. She is then kicked out of the sphere, due to Minerva's power. With only two remaining, the five minute timer starts, and with that, Minerva attacks, first with a heat attack to Lucy's right, and then a weighted attack from above. Lucy tries to counter but finds her keys were no longer at her hips, but in Minerva's hands. Over and over Minerva continues to attack Lucy, who refuses to give up.

"I'll keep fighting!"

"Oh, really? are you sure you don't want out of this torment?" Minerva asks.

"You want me to give up? Not happening, if I quit after my friends fought so hard, it'd be worse than betrayal! I won't do it, hurt me all you want, I don't give a damn! I'll win... My guild, will be number 1 again!"

"You can do it Lucy!!" I yell, more trying to reassure myself which doesn't work. I glance at Erza, worry present in my eyes.

Instead of letting Lucy fall from the ring, Minerva continuously brings her back to attack multiple times. I wince when I see what bad shape Lucy is in now. Finally the umpires call the event to an end, but by this time Lucy is already bleeding, burnt and barely conscious, Minerva holds Lucy by her throat like a trophy outside of the water sphere.

Natsu, Gray and I jump off of our stand and rush to Lucy's side while Minerva carelessly drops her. We just barely made it in time to catch her. Wendy says that she'll give her medical attention first, with Chelia helping out. Natsu and I nearly attack Minerva for the second time, but Sting, Rufus and Orga suddenly appear in between us, while Erza holds Natsu, Gray and I back as both of our teams come to a tense stand off.

"Although you may be the strongest guild in Fiore, you'd be wise to heed this warning. Listen carefully, making an enemy of fairy tail is a decision you will regret." Erza tells the Sabertooth members.

Lucy is taken the infirmary where she is healed, thanks to the efforts of Wendy, Chelia and Porlyusica.

"Any word on Lucy's condition?" Juvia asks anxiously while opening the door to the infirmary.

"Is she awake?" Mira asks.

"You guys came." Gray says kind of surprised.

"We may be on different teams but we're all in the same guild." I smile weakly at Cana while she says this and she does the same.

"So, how is she?" Gajeel asks.

"She's not out if the woods yet but she'll pull through thanks to Wendy." Porlyusica informs them.

"No, it wasn't just me. We're lucky Chelia was there to help out too." Wendy says.

"I'm gonna beat them to a bloody pulp!" I yell.

"You can sure as hell bet on that one." Laxus says.

Lucy awakens and sees all of us in the room. We smile at her.

As Lucy sleeps with her keys by her heart, master enters the room to deliver some news. Due to the disqualification of Raven Tail the games committee can't pair up the fighters of the battle portions due to the odd number of teams, so we must merge into one team for the rest of the competition. Porlyusica explains that after a day's break, the last day will have a game where all five members can compete at once, so the new team needs to be chosen carefully.

"The battles will soon begin and we'll find out who made the cut on Team Fairy Tail." one of the announcers say.

Our new team emerges and the members are, Erza, Gray, Natsu, Gajeel and me.

"If there's one thing I notice, it's that we're being cheered on now rather than being booed." I say to the other four and they nod.

Ichiya and the mysterious rabbit-costumed man vs. Bacchus and Rocker:
The rabbit-costumed man reveals himself and he is... Nichiya an exceed from Edolas.
Blue Pegasus  is declared the winner.

Lyon and Yuka vs. Kagura and Millianna:
It is declared a tie.

Sting and Rogue vs. Natsu and Gajeel:
half way through the fight Natsu pushes Gajeel down a mining cart.
Fairy Tail is declared the winner.

I know that I'll soon have to tell Natsu about my other magic. I want to hug Neptune but she's with the rest of Fairy Tail.

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