Part One: The. Hard. Part.

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The hard part about this prequel is trying to decided where to start the adventure with you. I could start at the beginning of my eight grade year but it would be difficult to flow that into the end of my sophomore year where the real substance relating to the last book is so I'm going to start the the last six week of my sophomore year and just begin with right before I met Nicholas, Q, and the all consuming bloodsucker Elizabeth.
It was almost summer and with a long school year filled with after school detention because my geometry teacher refused to give me a copy of the work and when I went to the upper management she claimed she had handed it to me which I couldn't prove other wise. So I did my time like always until I started skipping school because it just wasn't worth my time anymore. I couldn't turn in work I didn't have.
I had two pretty decent friends at the time Andrew and Autumn. They would both end up fucking each other over and blaming each other for their problems.
I spent a week at my house playing my favorite online video game until one day I got tired of the cops knocking at the door and just went up to the school office after the final bell. I had the same round about fight with the teacher and principle until they final dropped the charges and sent my paper to the next closest school I hadn't been to already. This was the first time I was being removed from a school from no fault of my own. If you want proof of that its book is it. I couldn't write if if I was jail for the stacks of charges I had.
I went home for the weekend and continued game for hours on end until Monday rolled around and I went the new school to check on my paperwork.
Introducing my own personal savior, this guy seriously deserves a reward for saving a fuck up like me. I was in the secretary office right at the entrance to the school. I hardly have time to get through the door before she laid the papers on her desk. I could see in her eyes she already made up her mind about me. I wasn't going to get transferred and I didn't know what I would do at 16 with out a school to attend. She broke the news like you break up with a fat chick, overly clique, telling me it wasn't me as a student. It was just the the school didn't have room for a transfer student at the time and that if I filled back at the beginning of next school year they could take me as sophomore. That didn't sit right with me I was going to lose all credit for the school year over the last six weeks and graduate at 20 years old so I started talking. I couldn't tell you what I said, mostly really desperate shit honestly and it wasn't make a difference and her composure but it didn't have too.
Right at that time my nigga walk in , the principal. He asked me what my name was and welcome me to his school. The secretary tried to intervene by showing him something my paperwork but he dismissed her and said "No, harm in giving him a chance".
Jaw drop right, I scrap by the skin of my teeth again. If I walked out one second soon if be done for but this guy got my life on the right track instantly. The told me to come back next Monday with my hair cut to dress code that the principal gave me a little slack on and I was rewarded with another week off. It like I can't lose even when I'm losing these days.
I had a girlfriend at this time, my first, she had long black hair, thin frame, c cup breast, beautiful eyes shined like diamonds, goof as hell, loved feeling cool, had a bright future and I... I was a cage. Hold her back, tying her down. I was so proud of her for loving me even prouder when she dumped her loser boyfriend, even though it was me. We had been together since May, 28, 2012. It was about to be February of 2013 when I was transferred school. We'd break up in May of 2013 and we had been very close friends since December of 2012. I'm sure she'll get her own backstory in the future of my writing career. Her birthday was coming up I bought her a promise ring.

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