Part Three: The. Fox.

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I wasn't going to take two chapters to cover the first day but when I started writing about The Fox it became extremely obvious he deserves something dedicated just to him.
I'm not going to go about this part in liner order. The Fox is one of the most quality guys I've ever met. I never really appreciated him as much as I should have. 
He watch me grown into the person I was trying to become. He was the only person who helped me learn my ways without being a roll model. Everyone else I knew was trying to party every weekend at least. The Fox parked very rarely and when he did at first he almost always had to babysit me if he was.
One of my earliest memories with The Fox was is sitting in the library when I first arrived at his school, singing old escape the fate songs with him and Nicholas. It was so innocently blissful. It was an important time for me because I felt like I didn't belong in this new school until then. When we sung along poorly to songs that I knew distinctly. I knew at that moment that the people I had met here were my people.
When I was still trying to develop my cast iron gut, junior year. I had a problem with getting depressed and over doing my limit fifteenth minutes into a drinking session. It happen one time when I was going though my "king of the world" phase. It was The Fox and mine first party.
I drank so much vodka so fast to get over personal shit. I was shit face before I knew what was happening. The Fox stayed with me all night taking care of my drunken ass. It was one of the kindest things anyone's ever done because with all the people at the party,  The Fox was the least inclined to babysit me.
The Fox was a constant in my life for two years. Sometime into my junior year I developed a crush on a girl that ate lunch with him and we became closer due to spending more together.
Looking back on The Fox today I realize we were much better friends that I ever gave him credit for at the time. He's a remarkable person and a true friend to say the least. I had to cut this chapter short but there's plenty of Fox stories around the corner. I just needed to pay him a little tribe as thanks for him being so amazingly himself.

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