Part Six: Distance. Divides. Even. The. Most. Illfated. Of. Affairs.

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My first girlfriend was really something special. Her name was Alice, if there was anything I could have done to keep her around I would have. I believe I did everything in my power, It was a lot but it was never enough. We were so young. Too young.
The added distance of me leaving my home town didn't help. She stacked the distance by moving a town over in the opposite direction. Her grandpa , the bad ass that he was, said we were drifting apart. Her grandma bought her cruise tickets. That's relevant.
Alice and I could get into so pretty intents fights. Giant tsunamis of emotional warfare. Relationships shouldn't be composed of emotional destroyed 15 year old, unless they are, then by all means go for it.
In spite of everything, all the problems Alice and I had, all the late night phone calls were she was to upset at me to sleep. I still believe nobody could have loved a 15 me more than a 15 year old Alice Heaven. She was flawless and I was lucky enough to hold her. All people are, prefect at being themselves.
My fifth period class was Spanish and the only people in the room that matter at that time was Magdalene and Eon. Eon was a really nerd, dorky, eccentric, band fantastic, who was on the Drum line with Nicholas, and had a deck of Pokemon cards on him at all times like I did in second grade. Magdalene had a fat ass and a crush on me, need I say more?
Lunch time was infinitely my favorite period but only because Ava always bitched about her ex but wouldn't tell me his name because I was in band with him. I was confused about why she always has new stories to tell about him because if she hated him so much why be around him. I honestly thought she was talking about Eon.
I had last period with Magdalene. She placed herself in juxtaposition of my seat. I flattered her constantly through out the period and at the last few second before the bell she told me I was way better then her last boyfriend because he was an asshole. I laughed and said "I'm an asshole but I'll treat you way better than he did" as I finished the bell rang and I stood up and walked out without giving her a second glance.
I met Nicholas at the bus stop and on the bus ride to our parents work, he told stories about him and his ex bumping nasties to me and my cousin who seat in the seat in front of us. He told those stories everyday, they were the highlight of my day. I know they were the highlights of their day too because we talked about it often.
When we were at the work place of our parents Alice called my phone and Nicholas picked up but it pissed her off because she really needed to talk to me. So she hung up and didn't talk to me again until she got off of work around 9 a clock that night.
There wasn't a fight this time, we just talk about our days. It was the first peaceful night we've  had in months. It was probably because she had that big cruise in the morning. I told her goodnight and that's when she told me she's wasn't coming back. Well she was physical returning but she would no longer be my girlfriend. I told Alice goodnight for the second time and she asked what she should do with the ring. "Throw it in the ocean" I replied with a firm voice. After months of yelling at a girl I didn't know the girl I fell in love with was staring right at me. All she had to say was "it's too pretty for the ocean". "Of course not" I forced out in a bitter voice " I bought it for you". She fell silent, maybe I reminded her why she fell in love with me in the first place. If she ever still thinks about me I hope those are the moments she remembers. I broke the tension with my third and final good night. She choked out a "goodnight, you monster" with a tear in her voice that only comes from a teenage girl who's boyfriend only reminds her how special is after a break up because after two years of phone calls and winky face emojis he forgets that's there's more to a relationship then just hooking up on weekends and having someone's affection to justify your existence. That's what Alice was in the mind of a 13 year old me, justification. The belief that the value she placed in me was my core worth. 15 year old me didn't know better, I'm not sure if 19 year old me does either.
I woke up from the worst night of sleep I've ever had in my life. No fight with Alice meant no resolution. Maybe it's crazy to fight every single day. I think we fought just to forgive each other and honestly after three years together deranged mental war fair was just a way to pass the time. (Oh, Alice how I hope you know how much I appreciate those nights in hindsight)
I drew roses every free minute of everyday for the next week. I was a kick ass rose drawer by the end of the first day. My shading on the water droplets was the icing on the cake.

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