Part Seven: My. Greatest. Fear

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My heart pounded in my head. My chest was on fire. I was falling asleep in my chair and I probably would have passed out if it wasn't for me checking my phone every second in first period to see if she texted me on the drive to the coast. I really expect to hear from her. Since the day we met she was never the type to restrain herself from talking to me.
Sure enough my phone buzzed as the first bell rang and I was released from the band hall. The messaged read "I drown in the pussy so I swam to the butt" that was my girl, a class A piece of ass with some immature tendency and avoided talking about the events of last night by texting rap lyrics. That was prefect though because I was fine with not talking about it if she was.
I didn't reply to her message because the sheer fact that she messaged me letting me know that nothing was going to change when she got back made me comfortable enough to fall asleep peacefully at my desk for the next hour.
   Magdalene's ass was bomb as fuck that day. Not anymore bomb as fuck than any other day but it was bomb as fuck everyday so maybe it's not really important enough to mention again but damn do I miss it.
I've seen a lot of asses in my day big ones, small ones, thick ones, tall ones, red ones, blue ones but Alice by far had the most prefect ass. It was the ass to end all ass. So firm while still being so defined on her. Sadly, Alice wasn't around so I settled for second best.
Magdalene was seated next to me in Spanish one and she asked me if I was serious about being her boyfriend and I felt the need to move on from Alice as soon as possible. So I said yea. These would be the last words I would say to her until the break up exactly a week away from we got together. That week was single handily the worst week of my life. New school, new girlfriend who I was comfortable enough with to approach. New best friend even though my old best friend was still a huge part of my life back then. Fucking Andrew and Autumn, I'm sure their both waiting for me to apologize to them but I don't see the need to say I'm sorry to people years later for being a kid because we were all kids.
I thought about Alice a lot, thinking the same thing I think now. Does she think about me? Do I ever cross her mind and if so is it anything worth remembering.
One night about six months into out relationship we had really passion sex outside her backdoor. Completely dressed, her shirt unbutton and her bra opened in the front pressed against my bare chest from my shirt also being unhinged. (We wore button shirt just because the act of unbuttoning is a hundred times hot then pulling off a t-shirt, remember that kids) I hiked up her skirt and wrapper her legs around my waist and pressed her against the wall. 10 minutes into the teenaged love affair I spun us around in lend my shoulders into the door and held her up my her ass as she rode my violently into her soul shattering orgasm. The thing about Alice was once she got hers she was way to tender afterward for even the tiniest of movement so if we didn't achieve orgasm at the same time I had to stop for awhile to give her time to reciprocate, which was fine by me because she finished fast so we got to have sex a lot. A lot, a lot.
While we were redressing we smoked black short (obviously). We took shots of Jack Daniels because freshman drink Jack in Texas, we have pride like that. In that moment we had never had a problem. So I looked her dead in the eyes in planted the most prefect kiss I had ever giving on her after she looked up from buttoning the last button on her shirt and told her to promise me that no matter what happened between us she would always remember everything that was prefect over everything that could possibly go wrong and she did just like that she promised to always look to my good moments over my bad and out of the myriad of promises that have ever been made to me that one is one of the few promises I hope is kept, but I'll never know if it is.
So that leads us to the second to last day of Alice's cruise where I'm writing in my journal in next to my girlfriend that I swear to god haven't said even hello to since the day we got together. I wrote "A promise is a promise some promises are kept and some promises are broken. So I promise I'll never make another promise and that's a promise" but I broke that promise too with all the others I've ever made because you just can't rely on me. In the words of motion city soundtrack (which I'm still not clear on the legality of me quoting) "it's crystal clear I reach for the bottle and disappear"
The next day in world history my phone blew up with 352 messages for a contacted labeled in my phone as "M" (still is) short for my monster because in the words of the great Alice "monsters bite" and she was one hell of a biter. She messaged me constant updates of her trip from the moment she boarded. She had no service out at sea but according to her in that moment when she was having the time of her life and a world full of people to share it with the only one she could think to was me. The last messages was a picture of her promise ring wrapped tightly on her newly tanned finger and not at the bottom of the sea. I wish it was. I'm glad it wasn't.  

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