Chapter 11 - Chounin Exams part 1

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A/N: Sorry it has been so long since I have updated I have been really stressed with school lately. Hopefully when Summer Break starts I will be able to update more often.
Also, I am so glad you have been enjoying my book so far. You have no idea how much it means to me. I love you all. I never expected for my book to get so many views. Thank you!

-3rd P.O.V.-
    Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were all walking to the academy. You could almost feel the excitement radiating off of them. When they got there they went up to the third floor. They saw a big group of people crowded around a door that said '301'. The three rolled their eyes at the Genjutsu. They saw two Chounin disguised as Genin blocking the door. They were probably weeding out the weak Genin that would probably die in the exams. Even though they were tempted to show off and make a scene they didn't and continued upstairs to the real 3rd floor unnoticed. When they got their they saw Kakashi waiting for them.
    "So you're here." He looks up from his "literature"-_-.
    "Of course!" They smiled. They were more than ready.
    'I'd wish you guys luck, but I doubt you'll need it." he ruffles his teams hair. They give him small smiles as they fix their hair. "Well I guess you guys should head on in." Naruto and Sakura nodded, but Sasuke stopped them.
    "Wait, Nii-chan, put up your hood. It'll get a better reaction." He smirked while the other two snickered as Naruto put up his hood.    
    With that they all entered the room.

    When they opened the door all attention became focused of them. They got glares and KI sent at them, but they ignored it. To them it felt pretty weak. They stood off to the side for a few minutes before they heard something that made Sasuke want to stab himself with a Kunai.
    "SASUKE~KUN!!!" Ino squealed as she latched onto his arm with an Iron grip. He felt like crying. "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN SO LONG!!!" She squealed. Sasuke sent 'help me' looks to his siblings who were resisting the urge to laugh. Suddenly Ino was ripped away from him. Ino whirled around to come face to face with a smirking Sakura.
    "What do you want forehead!?" She sneered.
    "Nothing really, I just don't think Suke likes you clinging to him." Sakura answered with a closed eye smile.    
    "Who's Suke?" Ino questioned. Sasuke raised his hand as he smirked at his sister.
    Before Ino could say anything else her team approached the group. "What a drag you guys are here to?"
    "Oh hey Shikamaru." Sakura greeted. Then team 8 came over as well.
    "Hey guys!" Kiba shouted as he and the rest of his team came over.
    A minute later Shikamaru looked around, "Hey, where's Naruto?" He asked.
    "Oh, I'm right here you guys." He called. They all turned to see Naruto leaning against the wall. Of course they couldn't see his face, because of the shadow that his hood cast.
    "Huh?" They looked around not seeing their familiar orange jumpsuit wearing knucklehead.
    He pushed himself off the wall and approached the group as they gave the approaching "stranger" weird looks. Well except for Team 7 of course, who were smirking.
    "It's me." He said again as he removed his hood and smiled at them.
    They all blinked....once...twice...three time..."EHHHH!" They all looked at him dumbfounded while Hinata turned bright red.
    Suddenly, Team 7 burst out into uncontrollable laughter. They were laughing so hard that they were all on the floor. The Rookie 9's eyes seemed to pop out of their heads as they looked at the ever emotionless Uchiha rolling around on the floor laughing with tears streaming out of his eyes. Some of the Genin rubbed their eyes to see if they were hallucinating or not. Their actions just made them laugh harder though. After ten minutes they finally calmed down. They wiped their eyes and helped each other stand up.
    "N-Nii-chan *snicker* you were right *snicker* their reaction was better." Naruto says as he tries to calm down. Sakura nods in agreement, still chuckling. Before they could all start firing questions at the trio though a guy with gray hair and glasses came over. Immediately the siblings felt something off about him.
    "You guys should really quiet down, this isn't some picnic." He says coming over.
    "Whatever." Naruto mumbles, but he hears him.
    "Turn around." And they all do and see a whole bunch of rain ninja glaring at them.
    Team 7 turns back to gray haired guy while the others shiver. "and?"
    He gives them a weird look before saying, "Those rain ninja are pretty brutal, and with all the tension, well let's just say they can be pretty violent." Team 7 turns back to the rain ninja and give them creepy smiles while they tilt their heads to they left releasing their KI. All the rain ninja quickly look away cowering. They smirk and turn their attention back to the glasses wearing ninja. He just stares at them wide eyed along with the rest of the Rookie 9.
    "So, what your name?" Sakura asks.
    "Oh! It's Kabuto, Kabuto Yakushi." He smiles at us, but team 7 could tell it was fake. They were used to fake smiles. Whether it was worn by them or those around them.
    "Well since you guys are rookies I think I will share with you guys some information."
    Sasuke approached him cautiously, not trusting him even a little bit. His siblings sticking closely to either side of him.
    "Do you have any information on Sabaku no Garra?" (remember he didn't fight Lee) he questioned.
    "Aww, you already know his name, that's pretty easy. Anyways." He pulls out a deck of cards that he called Ninja Info cards.
    He concentrated his chakra into it and information appeared on it.
    "Hmm..doesn't seem like he has been on any D ranks, he has been on 6 C rank, 14 B rank, and 25 A rank." then his eyes widened, "on every mission he returned home without a scratch.
'Hmm..must be Shukaku.' Naruto thought. Suddenly their was movement as the sound ninja moved to attack Kabuto. Naruto quickly pulled Kabuto out of the way of the attack while Sasuke punched the guy in the face. Sakura quickly checked to for injuries saw none. She sighed in relief before shooting a death glare at the sound ninja. He paled and looked like he was about ready to shit himself.
    Their was a poof as the proctor appeared with a group of chounin. "Quiet down Maggots. I am your proctor for the first part of the exam, Ibiki Morino. The written exam." Multiple groans were heard from the crowd. "And sound ninja! No fighting unless you want to be disqualified. Save it for the Exam!" He yelled.
    "Sorry, this is our first year and I guess we are just a bit excited."
    Ibiki grunted in response, "Line up and get your number as to where you will be sitting.

-Naruto's P.O.V.-
    I took my seat, which happened to be next to Hinata. I smiled at her and she turned red. Weird. She always does that.
(A/N: Okay, I am to lazy to write down the whole rules thing so I am skipping it )
    When he finished telling us the rules I thought something was off. After thinking about it for a minute I realized that we were supposed to cheat. I took a look at my paper and saw that a normal Genin wouldn't be able to answer these. They were like Jounin level questions. Fortunately, we all studied a lot in the Uchiha Library, so we were all able to answer the questions without cheating. 'Ha! so much for the dead last!' I smirked as I finished answering the questions. I looked at my siblings to see them finishing up. I looked up at the clock to see we had about 20 minutes left so, I opened my mental link with my siblings to form a strategy for the next test.
"Hey, if I am right the next test should probably be some sort of team survival test. I am guessing that we will be put somewhere where we have to compete against other teams. We should come up with a strategy." I tell them.
"Yeah, should we try to finish fast or should we knock out other teams?" I heard Kura's voice.
    "Hmm...I think we should finish quickly. We may need energy for the third Exam. Besides the longer that we take the less time we have to train for the third exam." Sasuke spoke up.
    "I was thinking along those lines as well. If we move quickly it means that there is a less likely chance of enemies learning our abilities." I agree. "Since it is probably a survival test I believe it would be a good idea to stick together. Not that we would separate anyways."
"Hai!" they responded. I cut the link when I felt someone nudge my arm. I turned my head to see Hinata turning her paper towards me. I shake my head and show her my completed paper. Her eyes widened from surprise and I couldn't help but smirk a bit.

    "Okay! time for the final question!" Ibiki announces. "But first you must decide whether or not you will take the test." Many of the Genin got confused looks on their faces. My team and I, though waited. After all this was Ibiki Morino, the head of Torture and Interrogation. Their had to be some sort of trick or strategy as to what he was doing. "If you leave then you can take the exam next year, but if you chose to stay then if you answer the question will never be able to take the exam again.
    Cries of anger and complaints were heard throughout the room while I just smirked. 'So that's was your plan. Weeding out the people without the resolve. I'm guessing that those who leave fail and those who stay pass. On missions if you cower and run away you can not only fail you mission, but it could result in the deaths of you and your team.' I smirk and sit back completely relaxed. My team and I watched as team after team exited the room. The more who left the less competition we would have in the future.
    "That's it? Any more who would like to leave?" Ibiki asked.
    "Well for all of you remaining...." I saw almost everyone in the room tense as they await the final question. "You Pass!" He announced.
    "But what about the final question?" Temari asked.
    He then took off his bandana and talked about missions, torture, etc. I didn't really care since I had already figured out the point of the final question.
    I sensed someone coming at the window of the front of the class at high speed. I tensed waiting. My siblings noticed and prepared for whoever was about to burst through the window.
    When the window shattered a banner was pinned up by kunai. When the person came in Kura, Suke, and I pinned her to the wall with Kunai.
    "Who did that!?" She demanded. Everyone pointed to us. Her attention turned to us and she glared. So, naturally...we glared back. Some people in the room shuddered. She smirked, "I like you Gakis."
    Ibiki then unpinned her from the wall, "You're early again." He stated.
    She sweat dropped, "I'm your proctor for the second exam! Anko Mitarashi! Now come on, this isn't no time to be celebratin'!"
    I sighed and got up with my brother and sister.

Now for the Second Exam.

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