Part Eleven: Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada

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“We must go there at once!” Frigga said, running back into the gilded room.

Heimdall repeated the process of opening the Bifrost, sending you to Las Vegas. You landed right outside of the city. The bright lights of civilization illuminated the dark sky and guided you to Thor's location. As the three of you neared the city, you were all awestruck. It was beautiful. Buildings of every shape and size protruded from the desert and every last one of them sent blinding light into the sky. You suddenly wished Heimdall had been more specific about Thor's location. There were so many pieces of architecture and some of them were bigger than the buildings in Asgard. Saying Thor was here, was like saying Loki resided in Asgard. It was much too unspecific.

“Well, shall we begin searching?” Eir asked, skeptical that you'd ever find Thor in a place big as this.


The three of you walked across the warm sand, leaving footsteps as you did in the snow in Jotunheim. However, unlike Jotunheim, you soon became far too hot for comfort. The desert heat was sweltering. Both you and Eir shed much of your armor, leaving you in only your pants and undershirts. Frigga slipped out of her overly-warm clothing not long after.

When you arrived at the metropolis, there were no words to describe what you saw. There was a sign welcoming you to “Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada”. In the distance you could see all sorts of buildings standing tall. There was a castle, and a pyramid, and in the far distance, you could see a statue of a green woman holding a torch.

The three of you walked cautiously along the street. The first building you came up on went by the name of “Mandalay Bay”. However, it looked more like a structure of living quarters, so you passed it by.

The next was a giant black pyramid named “Luxor”. A shaft of pure light shot out from the tip of the pyramid. You met eyes with Frigga and Eir. The three of you decided it was worth a look and quickened your pace, walking towards the entrance. Immediately inside, the sound of coins clinking filled your ears. You looked around at all the machines dispensing and eating up the money. The three of you looked around, but saw no sign of Thor and left.

When you marched out, you noticed a castle off to the left. You pointed it out to Frigga, but she decided it wasn't worth looking. Thor wouldn't be in fake castle with red and blue tops. Especially not a castle named after the mythological sword “Excalibur.”

You continued to stroll through the streets. The trio of you passed a statue of a woman holding a torch, a golden lion, a giant bag of chocolate candy, a huge bottle, and a countless number of lit up buildings. Some of the architecture was oddly shaped, such as a tower that pointed to the sky and looked like it were stepping over another structure. There were also buildings that had sharp points and were only constructed of straight edges and everywhere you turned, bright signs invited you into casinos, bars, and shops.

The trio of you continued to walk purposefully along the street. Soon enough, you neared the ending of the avenue you were on. Led by Frigga, you jogged back into the main part of the city and took a side-street. After not much longer, you came upon a rather large palace-like building. It looked rather odd for an upper-class structure. However, inscribed on the front of building were the words “Caesar's Palace”.

Frigga, Eir, and yourself all gave each other worried glances as you walked past a statute of a headless woman with wings. Behind her were many fountains spouting water into the air. Despite the obvious oddness of the place, you decided to venture inside. On your way to the main entrance, you passed many more strange statues, but gave no thoughts to them. The entrance was huge and there were many doors leading inside. Light poured down on you as you stood under the entrance cover.

You took a deep breath and stepped through one of the large doors. Inside, the familiar sound of coins washed over you like a wave. People sat at machines and fed them a steady flow of money. Behind yet another gray statue, there was a rather open carpeted area and a set of moving stairs. You were speed-walking towards the stairs when you heard something.

“Thor! Let me have a picture!” A woman shrieked.

You looked at Frigga and Eir and rushed to the source of the squeal. A crowd of people was surrounding a man who was dressed precisely like and looked exactly like Thor. Except, he was substantially shorter than the God of Thunder.

“Thor, what happened? Why are you so short?” you asked him, shoving your way through the crowd.

Thor turned to look at you and you noticed his face was rather different from the face you knew. “You must have just gotten taller, little girl.” The man replied in a voice that was noticeably higher than Thor's.

Little girl? Okay, this was definitely not Thor. You shook your head and backed away from the group of people. The flame of hope lighting Frigga's face visibly flickered out when you pushed your way out of the crowd, shaking your head.

“Where do we search next?” you asked.

“I have no idea,” Frigga said, her eyes filling with tears.

“Do not fret, we will find him eventually.” Eir patted Frigga on the back, trying to reassure her.

You wondered if Thor was by the bar. He did not typically drink in excess, but the God was known to become flat-on-his-ass wasted on occasion. Particularly when he was feeling something other than his typical cheery demeanor. The God of Thunder was not too skilled when it came to emotions. Not like Loki. No no, Loki made what he was feeling very clear that night... You mentally slapped yourself. That was NOT what you needed to be thinking about right now.

You began to look for the bar, scanning around the room and walking a few steps onto the game floor. Frigga and Eir were deep into a conversation and didn't notice you walking away. Unfortunately, the bar was nowhere in sight.

“Can I help you find something?” a woman asked you. She was had short blond hair and was dressed in a red and white dress. She peered at you through crimson-rimmed glasses and apparently noticed how lost you looked, standing in the center of a bunch of slot machines. “Is this you're first time in Las Vegas?”

“Yes, it is. Could you please direct me to the bar?”

“Sure.” she pointed in the direction of the bar, smiling. “It's over that way.”

“Thank you!” You called, jogging in the direction she'd pointed in.

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