Part One: The Engagement

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You had known Loki for a very long time. The two of you, along with Thor, had grown up together. And actually, despite you being female and Thor being at your and Loki's side, you were more of a brother to Loki than Thor ever was. When the three of you were little, Thor, being the oldest, always used to joke about you and Loki growing up and getting married. You would always just laugh at his teasing, taking it as nothing more than a joke. Loki on the other hand, would turn a bright shade of red and turn away to hide his embarrassment. In time, you slowly matured into a beautiful young woman and although you didn't know it yet, the brothers started to see you as more than just a little sister.

On the day of your birthday, Odin called for the three of you.

“My children, a great time has fallen upon us. _______ is now of age to marry. She will marry one of you, my sons, and help in forming a long-lasting bond between the mortal realm and Asgard.”

“I will do it!” Loki was quick to volunteer.

You looked at him and he blushed slightly, feeling your gaze.

“Loki, my son,” Odin began, “I have not yet decided which of you will do the honor. I will be holding a court this evening to reveal my decision.”

“Of course, father,” Loki said, bowing slightly. The mischievousness in his eyes replaced with determination. Loki turned and bowed to you as well, holding out his arm in a chivalrous gesture. “M'lady.” He led you out of the room.

Thor was quick to follow, recognizing the look in his brother's eyes.

“I shall see you this evening, my lovely,” Loki said, bowing one last time and grabbing your hand, placing a soft kiss upon your knuckles.

“Bye,” you replied, walking down the large hallway to your room, the bottom of your long blue dress trailing behind you.

“She is mine,” Loki warned his brother sternly, once you were out of earshot (or so he thought). “You can take everything else from me, but I will not allow you take her.” And with that, he walked away, leaving Thor to worry.

That evening, slightly before Odin was to call for you, Loki showed up at your quarters. When you opened the door and saw him, dressed head to toe in beautiful green and gold, you greeted him in your usual cheerful manner. “Hi Loki!”

“Hi,” Loki barely grunted, before kissing you very forcibly and roughly in a way that wasn't entirely unenjoyable. Although you wouldn't ever admit that.

“Loki! Stop!” You flailed your arms and tried to push him off and away without any success.

Loki paid no mind to your shouting and continued to violate your lips. He kissed you as if he wanted to consume you and make you part of him forever. You stifled a small moan at the sensation, and protested louder.

“Loki! NO!” you shouted defiantly.

Loki released you and apologized. He walked towards the door, but paused before he marched out. “You belong to me,” he decreed before leaving.

Loki sauntered out of your room just as the guard coming to get you stepped through your doorway.

“Miss, _______, it is time,” he announced.

“Give me a moment,” you said, smoothing out your hair and slipping on your shoes.

You followed the guard to the Throne Room. When you walked into the glittering room, a huge crowd of people separated to let you through. You noticed Thor and Loki were already present and standing in the center of the room. Above them on the gilded throne was Odin.

“Ah, _______, welcome!” Odin greeted you as you walked into the room and towards the two Asgardian princes.

“Hi,” you whispered to the boys. Thor whispered “Hello!” back and Loki nodded as a greeting.

“People of Asgard! Children of Yggdrasil!” Odin's voice boomed through the room. “I have called you hear today to announce which of my sons will marry the lovely mortal woman and form an ever-lasting bond between Asgard and Midgard!”

The crowd of people in the room cheered at the announcement. Odin continued his speech and you glanced over at Thor, who smiled brightly at you. You then turned to Loki who looked back at you, anxiousness spread across his face. He mouthed 'Sorry,' then directed his attention back to Odin. You followed suit, tuning back into what the boys' father was saying.

“After much thought, I have my decision.” Odin paused for a moment, taking a breath before letting the result slip. “_________ will be wed to Thor!”

The crowd roared with clapping and hurrahs. And Thor held his arms up victoriously, strutting around the room and encouraging the crowd to become even louder.

After his little celebration, Thor made his way back over to you, grinning like an idiot. You could tell how happy he was right now. You knew the God of Thunder had had eyes for you for quite a while. You smiled back at him, sharing in his excitement. Thor picked you up and swung you around like he used to do when you were little. You held out your arms, pretending like you were flying.

Thor set you down and out of the corner of your eye you noticed Loki scowling. He stared back at you and you watched as he turned and stormed out of the room. You grimaced, felling horrible. Although, as bad as you felt, you knew this wasn't your decision to make in the first place. You tried to forget about it and allowed yourself to get completely caught up in the celebration.

Odin raised his hand, calling for order. “Thor and ________ are to marry in precisely three months!” The crowd erupted once more in cheer and and continued to applaud and chant even as Thor went up to his father, bowed and thanked him.

“There is no need for thanks, Thor.” Odin smiled upon his son. “You were simply a wise and worthy choice.”

Thor beamed and led you out of the room. He led you back to your room in a very proud manner.

“May I come in?” Thor asked, as he stepped through the doorway to your quarters.

“Sure,” you replied sarcastically.

Thor looked around your room, as if taking inventory of everything you owned. At first you were confused, but the you realized that it had been an extremely long time since the blonde-haired God had stepped foot in your room.

Thor turned back to you and smiled sweetly. “You are very pretty you know,” he spoke softly, lightly brushing your cheek.

You blushed slightly. “Thanks...”

“Are you happy?” Thor asked you.

“Of course,” you replied sincerely. “Why would you ask?”

“Do not think I am blind to the way you look at my brother.”

“I am happy,” you assured him. “If you've seen the way I look at Loki, then surely you've noticed the way I look at you as well. I love you, Thor.”

“Good, then I am happy as well.”

“You'd be happy even if I wasn't,” you pointed out, teasing him.

“I might be... ” Thor admitted. “But only because I love you.” Thor wrapped his rather muscular arms around you. You smiled, you felt very safe in his strong embrace.

Thor kept his arms around you, but turned to face you. He lightly placed on your cheek and whispered, “Goodnight, my love.”

“'Night,” you said back, letting go of your now fiance. He walked out of your room, smiling back at you as he slipped through the doorway.

You plopped down onto your bed and got comfortable. You were asleep almost instantly. It had undeniably been a long, yet exciting day.

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