"I Found A Girl"

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Brad's POV
i rolled out off bed today, it's saturday and i've got no plans, i stood up and saw tristan peacefully sleeping.

He's cute.

Wait what?!

Nothing nevermind that.

It was 7 AM and i'm awake, i never wake up this early, i stretched my arms and sat down on me and tris' bed, i scrolled through my twitter for awhile, nothing's really happening on twitter right now so i took a quick bath, got dressed and went downstairs, i saw Mrs. Evans preparing breakfast

"Hello dear, goodmorning" Mrs. Evans said

"Hello mrs. evans, good morning" i smiled at her

"I told you to call me me aunt, bradley" She said

"Okay then aunt" I said "i'm going outside for a quick walk aunt, please tell tristan if he started looking for me" i said to her

"Okay dear, be back by 8 am for breakfast" she said

"I think i'll just go to starbucks and eat there, want some cold coffee" I smiled to her

"Okay dear" She smiled back and i went outside.

I put my earphones in my ears and walk all the way to starbucks just a few blocks away, i ordered a mocha frap and sat down on an empty table, i reseaved a text from tristan.

Tristan: where are you?

Bradley: starbucks

Tristan: okay, i'm coming wait for me

Bradley: okay.

I looked around starbucks and saw a blonde, cute girl looking at me at a distance, she stood up and went to me

"Sorry for staring" she said and smiled at me

"It's fine" i smiled at the cute blonde and she sat down infront of me

"Go here alot?" She said

"Not much, not much of a coffee addic"

She sipped her drink and smiled at me

"Maikka" she said and pulled her hand infront for a handshake, i shook it firmly

"Bradley" i said and let go of her hand

Suddenly tristan went inside and saw me

"Hey" Tris said to us both

Tristan looked at maikka

"Who are-" Tris got cut off by maikka

"Maikka" she smiled at tristan

Tristan sat down beside me

"Maikka, nice name" Tristan said

"Thanks an you are?" she smlied


She smiled at him

Her smile is really cute, i looked at her eyes, blue, it's cute.

Is it possible that i just had love at first sight? No lord.

She smiled at me still staring, why is she staring at me with those blue eyes no please make her stop, it's awkward, she won't stop

"I'm getting a feeling that i'm making you uncomfortable, i'm sorry" she said to me

"It's fine don't sweat it" I half-smiled

"Tris, Brad!" Someone called us we all looked at who was the one who screamed and it was nichole

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